Chapter 23: Quidditch

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GTKYQ: If you could change one scene from any movie, how would you change it?

"I can only hope that I'll learn something new."


I wasn't sure what I expected out of a Quidditch match. I had a vague idea of what Quidditch actually was, but I didn't quite understand how the game worked. Something about hoops and points and whatever the hell a Quaffle is. I didn't completely sweat it though. There were plenty of Muggle sports that I caught glimpses of on the bar TV or heard Charles rave about that I didn't understand. Quidditch wasn't any different. It was just another sporting event that I didn't understand. If I kept my questions careful and occasional, then I'd be completely fine.

I had built myself up throughout the week leading up to my next....outing with Severus. Hogsmeade had been insightful, and had been a huge step forward. I was happy with where this was going, but we weren't quite there for the label yet. I still had much to learn and see before we were anywhere close to being officially romantic. For now, I was looking forward to seeing my very first Quidditch match.

I was quickly reminded that I was a fish out of water walking out onto that Quidditch field – because it was not what I was expecting.

"Severus, this is insane!" I whispered as we continued to make our way towards the stands.

The field was massive. There were three hoops of varying sizes on each side of the field. I could see that Severus hadn't been kidding about the flying aspect, because the distance from the ground proved that there was no way that this game was on foot.

"It's nothing to get overwhelmed about. It's simpler than it looks," Severus raised the collar on his coat (which was much different than the one that he had come to the bar dressed in) to offer extra protection from the cold. "Are you warm enough?"

I wouldn't have even cared if I hadn't been because this was far more important to me.

"Yes," I answered. "I'm nervous."

"Don't be. It's just like last time," He shrugged. "You're visiting Hogwarts with the intention of observing. It's the truth."

"It isn't really the truth." I argued.

"Alright....the foundational intention is foggy, but you are here today to see a Quidditch match – and you're returning next week to sit in on an Advanced Potions lesson." He corrected me.

He was right, but I still felt like I was on the edge of being in trouble. I was trying to cut myself some slack. I was still new to this after all.

Severus chose a section in the stands for us that had a good view of the field, but one that wasn't completely in the open. The stands were full, but everyone was so focused that I blended right in. It wasn't a moment too soon because both teams came flying out (literally) within 30 seconds of us getting comfortable. I attempted to keep my shock down to a minimum, but my dropped jaw and wide eyes weren't exactly subtle.

"So, uh....Slytherin, right?" I questioned.

"I tend to root for Slytherin, yes. Although I won't influence you one way or the other." Severus grinned.

I had no idea what was going on. There were all kinds of aspects going on in this game that I didn't understand. For starters, the match was high speed and intense. I found it difficult to keep up, especially when some of the poor kids were getting whacked and knocked off of their brooms by the Bludgers (I remembered all of my vocabulary terms!). Severus talked me through it, explaining what was happening at different moments. Eventually, I began to understand what was going on enough to where I was actually comprehending the rules.

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