Chapter 13: A Step In the Right Direction

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GTKYQ: If you could get rid of any HP character, who would it be? (You can't say Voldemort!)

"You've got twenty minutes. Go."

"Blaire...." I used my easiest voice to speak. "It's going to be okay. Things always turn out."

Blaire didn't respond with words, but with a deep breath and a gut wrenching sob. I winced at the sound because the sound of her melting into a puddle of tears was breaking my heart. Blaire wasn't the kind of person to act like this. I hadn't ever seen Blaire quite like this. There wasn't really much that could make her so pitiful.

It had been a week and a half since the incident with Severus and Tom. It had been four days since my lunch with Isobel, and every day since then caused me to grow more antsy to deliver the news to Blaire as gingerly as I possibly could. I couldn't let Blaire go any longer without knowing that her suspicions were indeed correct. I already felt guilty for letting it go as long as it already had.

I had picked Blaire up from work on my way to the bar to get ready for my shift. I told her that we would get an early dinner and then have a few drinks (non-alcoholic of course to avoid harming the baby growing in her womb) before I opened. I kept my composure during dinner, and allowed her to take the lead on the conversational tone. I wasn't going to break the news to her in a public place because I wasn't totally sure how she was going to react. She had sensed that something was up — both because she knew me better than anybody and she could tell something was off about my behavior.

I was careful when I told her. I didn't want to say it too harshly or show any emotion other than sympathy. The truth was that I was angry. I was angry at Tom for doing this to her and angry that he had broken her trust in him. I was disappointed in him for dragging another woman into the mix and I was disappointed that he didn't even have the courage to tell her that he didn't want their marriage anymore.

I was angry at him because he wasn't at all who I thought he was. He knew who he was all along and decided to hurt her with it. That was unforgivable.

Blaire was quiet at first when I told her. She sat in silence and allowed the information to process before she made any comments or asked any follow up questions. She sat on the same barstool and did nothing but breathe and blink as she stewed on what I had disclosed to her. I told her about Tom coming in with someone else and I told her about the fight that went down. I was going to be there for Blaire and I was going to support her no matter what, but I was still upset that this was happening to her.

It all crashed over her in an instant, and tears filled her eyes and spilled down her cheeks before she could do anything to stop it. She had her arms folded over one another as she buried her head in the open space that her position created. Her entire body was shaking with anxiety as she cried. She was choking and hiccuping over each new wail that shuddered out of her chest as she recoiled into herself as she sat at the bar.

There wasn't much else I could say other than reassuring her of my support and my love for her. I know that wasn't comforting at the moment, but I hoped that maybe it would offer her some peace later on. I was doing my best to guide Blaire through this. I had never been married, so this was out of my experience range. However, I gently reminded her that there was one huge step that she needed to take next.

She needed to tell Tom about the baby.

I knew that her unborn child was making this significantly harder. It was one thing for a marriage to end with no kids involved, but it was another when there were little ones in the picture. Blaire already loved her baby so much, and she hated to know that her child was going to start out at a disadvantage of not having both of his/her parents in the same household. Blaire didn't see it at the time, but it was better for them to be separated than for them to stay together for the baby's sake.

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