Chapter 14: A Gentle Introduction

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GTKYQ: If you could try any Harry Potter food, what would it be?

A/N: The POV switches at the page break!

"We risked our lives, Professor."


Blaire and I scrambled into my apartment like a couple of crazed maniacs. We practically rammed into the door frame and climbed over one another to get inside. Our frantic entrance startled Pepper, who leapt up from the comfort of her dog bed by the sofa to inspect all the commotion. Pepper was used to me getting home at extremely early morning hours, but she surely wasn't accustomed to being awakened in such a manner. After the twins left, Blaire and I put our heads together to figure out an answer to all of this, which wasn't much different than what we had been doing – but now we had a little more to work with. Blaire helped me close up and clean up for the night so that we could get back to my apartment as soon as possible. We'd have better resources there, and we could sit down and actually try to put a dent into this. We had been working on this for hours, and by this point we were desperate.

"Sorry, Pepper!" Blaire shrieked as we both dashed around the frazzled pup to get to my laptop in my bedroom.

I crashed into my desk chair, and Blaire stood diligently behind me. I lifted the screen of my laptop, and sighed heavily when it came to life and cascaded its bright light over us and my dark bedroom. The sun wouldn't begin to rise for another hour or so, but I figured that Blaire and I would be in bed before then. It was my normal routine to go to bed at sunrise, and Blaire had been awake for almost a full day. I had already decided to take a few days off to spend some time with Blaire. She needed the support and the bar would survive a few days of being closed.

Pepper tottered into the room and took her rightful place at my feet underneath my desk. She always laid there when I was working at my desk, and I think she might've been a little sore that neither of us had given her a proper greeting. I scratched at her side with my foot while I worked on getting my browser pulled up.

"Blaire, I'm not so sure that we'll find anything. Might I remind you that our previous searches haven't been successful?" I spoke to Blaire, who was hovering over me as she watched me navigate to Google.

"It's worth a shot. It's fucking Google – so something is bound to come up." Blaire replied, watching as my fingers hesitated above the keys.

Something told me that we were about to hit yet another dead end. Another dead end meant no answers. And no answers meant that we were stuck in the same place as we had been. I reached in my pocket for the envelope. I figured that the best thing to do was to start with the name of the school that the letter was addressed to. For the most part, that had been our most burning question of the evening, but also the one that we were most stuck on. I typed in "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" into the search bar. I was tired of not finding anything. I was tired of being so hung up on this. When I hit the 'enter' key, I knew I was going to be disappointed.

Sure enough, nothing turned up for Severus' and the twins' school. The only results that Google presented us was an Oxford dictionary definition for the words 'witchcraft' and 'wizardry', and everything else was thrown to the void. I fell back into my chair, and Blaire groaned.

Surprise, surprise. Nothing turned up.

"Okay....uh, try searching just the first part." Blaire suggested.

"B, I'm telling you. Nothing's going to come up," I explained, turning to look back at her expression of determination. "I'm just going to have to ask Severus himself and hope that maybe I can get through to him."

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