Chapter 29: I Bet He Loves You

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By the time Paul and Estelle got back to the house, the pasta was finished and Sally and Percy were sitting on the couch as she showed him pictures of Estelle growing up in the past few years. She had many costume phases where she dressed as a princess, a knight, and, at one point, even a dragon. It was the cutest thing Percy had ever seen. He was a bit worried how Estelle would react to seeing him since he left the house when she was still a small baby. She was five now and he knew she would be hesitant around him since he was basically a stranger to him.

"They're getting out of the car now." Sally said as she peeked through the blinds for a moment, intent on warning her son so he didn't get overwhelmed. "I told Paul that we had a visitor but I didn't say who."

"That's fair." Percy nodded, knowing it was part of his mom's way of payback. "Is she wearing her princess dress today?"

His mom shook her head. "Not today, it's the beginning of summer time. She's wearing what she always does at this time of year." She didn't offer more and her smile was secretive.

Percy was going to say something but the front door was being opened and he barely resisted the urge to hide out in the kitchen. Estelle was the first to barrel through the door, eager to put her things down and tell her mom all about her day at school. Percy watched, however, as she stopped when she saw him and he couldn't help but tear up when he took in the outfit she was wearing.

Estelle was wearing a miniature version of an orange Camp Half Blood shirt, cargo shorts, and blue converse that were worn enough to show that she wore the shoes nearly everyday. Her hair was black with specks of silver mixed into it and it reached down to her shoulder in waves. Her eyes were big and green and curious as she took in the person that stood awkwardly by the couch like he didn't know what to do with himself.

The son of Poseidon wasn't sure what to do. He knew he should say something but he wasn't sure what would be good. Should he introduce himself again? Tell her that it's nice to meet her? Was that too impersonal?


His eyes snapped up, his equally green eyes widening when she gazed back a growing smile. "I-"

"Percy!" Estelle launched herself at him before he could say more, wrapping her arms around his legs as best as she could. "I missed you!"

"You- You did?"

"Mmhm!" She looked up at him happily, the biggest grin on her face. "Mama and Papa has pictures and they tell the bestest stories!"

"Best stories." Percy corrected her gently without meaning to, feeling a bit stunned with the new information.

"Best stories." Estelle repeated dutifully. "Mama said I can hug you one day and she's right!" She turned to look at Paul, who was staring at Percy with watery eyes. "Papa, Percy's here!"

Paul nodded, walking over. "I can see that. C'mere, kid." He pulled Percy into a tight hug, cradling the boy's head in one of his hands, and the man could feel how the demigod melted into the embrace. "It's good to see you still know your way home."

Percy laughed, wiping his eyes before any tears could fall. "I don't think I ever forgot. How's teaching?"

"A bit tiring but well worth it. These have to be the smartest bunch I've ever had, especially third period. They're serial killers in the making."

The demigod peered at him for a minute. "...Aren't you an English teacher?"

"Yeah, and what of it?" Paul said with a 'come at me' gesture before laughing at his step son's startled expression. "You should sit in on a class one day, then you'll see what I mean. There's someone I think you should meet anyways."

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