Chapter 25: The Pretty Committee

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You'll need this!

Dean = Daddy Issues
Percy = Sea Booty
May = One Punch Bitch
Annabeth = eat the Weak
Jameson = Holy Funky Beats
Maurice = Wasabitch
Boss = God?
Cynthia = The Only Good One
Sam = google was my idea
Lydia = not from Teen Wolf
Susan = ok boomer
Samantha = ha funny
Lucy = tinfoil hat
Nicole = me for president
Lauren = magic school bus dropout
Diane = avocadorable
Adrian = im still here


Group Chat: The Pretty Committee

Holy Funky Beats: who put the bread on the top shelf? how am i supposed to reach it??

me for president: Grow.

Holy Funky Beats: this is bullying. i dedicate my entire life to our lord and savior @God? and this is the thanks i get? i'll have you know i am a perfectly respectable height and you're just jealous that i can get more hoes than you

me for president: I don't need anymore hoes in my life. One is enough.

avocadorable: wow, thanks bby

Daddy Issues: this is nice and all but Percy went to murder someone and hasn't texted me back

eat the Weak: Okay but he does this a lot. I don't know why you're surprised.

Daddy Issues: im not, he hasn't texted me back >:(

google was my idea: He probably turned off his phone again cause you were bothering him.

Daddy Issues: he can't ignore me forever. im the only one that knows the password to the WiFi by heart

One Punch Bitch: I don't know why, he's lived there for five years???

eat the Weak: Is that a question?

One Punch Bitch: All I have are questions

google was my idea: lmao mood

Wasabitch: ...

Wasabitch: what am i reading? im so confused and scared

magic school bus dropout: Percy went to murder someone

Wasabitch: oh okay that makes sense. anyone know good Mexican restaurants? i have a need for beans

God?: Why are you like this?

Wasabitch: beans, sir

im still here: Good news, guys!!! I'm coming back home in two days!

tinfoil hat: oh i forgot about you

im still here: (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ') Lucy why

tinfoil hat: lol

ha funny: Wow, Lucy just killed Adrien

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