Chapter 20: Fish

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After Boss' birthday, the diner seemed to get back to some semblance of normal. There was still the underlined tension that ran through everyone when they thought of how Jameson nearly died. No one could figure out what the creature was and the demigods and hunters, separately, were getting no where. There were moments where Boss contemplated bringing the Winchesters into the fold, to see if they could spot something they may have missed in their investigation, but he knew he couldn't without risking many demigod lives. Though they trusted Sam and Dean as people, many of the demigods weren't sure they could trust the hunters in them. He couldn't risk any of the people he had come to know as friends and family.

Percy and May, during their patrols, worked on taking out any monsters while Annabeth placed motion-sensor cameras wherever there was the most activity. It wasn't hard to hide the bruises and cuts they received when they couldn't dodge fast enough, seeing as Percy's injuries were around his ribs while May primarily wore long sleeves. Annabeth had a limp, her ankle twisted, but she could easily pass it off as her having fallen since a monster did push her down some stairs.

In the end, the three demigods were exhausted since the monsters were attracted by Percy's powerful scent. If they weren't murderous, it would have been funny how they seemed to follow the man like a line of ducklings. Actually, it was still funny to to the two women, who were doubled over laughing as he ran in circles from two hell hounds while trying to drink from a bottle of beer.

Now, stumbling into his apartment, all Percy wanted to do was sleep until it was all he was able to do. Or maybe he just wanted death. That would be nice. When he looked up from where he tugged off his shoes, he knew the nap would have to wait.

"Motherfucker, you couldn't just stay a fish?"

"Rude," Frank rolled his eyes from the spot he chose on the couch. "I missed you, too."


Sam and Dean walked into the apartment, both carrying two large bags full of bread after Markus, one of the cooks, was left to his own devices in the kitchen. The youngest Winchester had decided to hang around the diner as Dean finished his morning shift and the stressed cook practically bombarded him with freshly baked french bread and garlic knots. After taking a bite out of one of them, the college student had told the cook that he would gladly take the rest off his hands as he had never tasted bread as amazing as that.

Now, with the smell of bread wafting into the place, the two hunters were met with Percy talking with someone. The man was an a few inches taller than the waiter and was heavy set, looking like he had been working out. He had a tiny bit of a baby face but his eyes were sharp and dangerous, just like Percy's was. His hair was buzzed down and his skin was a bit pale but the smile on his face as he talked to Dean's roommate took away most of the threatening vibes they may have gotten from him.

"Where's Frank?" Dean asked instead of saying hello once he spotted an empty fish tank.

"This is Frank," Percy gestured to the man, who waved awkwardly with a small smile.

"The fish?"

The green-eyed man turned to Frank, "Are you a fish?"

"Uh... No?"

Sam shook his head, "This conversation is just one big train wreck. Percy, where's the fish we were babysitting for Jameson?"

"Oh, him," Percy shrugged. "I dunno, May came in and did whatever shit she does when she's here. Maybe she took him?"

The youngest Winchester looked vaguely alarmed at his words, "Without the fish tank? Dude, what were you doing?"

"Important stuff, I assure you," The man said in a tone that wasn't at all reassuring. "I'm sure Frank the Fish is fine. I didn't hear his screams, anyways."

Frank the Human looked like he was trying not to laugh as he spoke, "Percy, you can't hear a fish's scream. No one can, it's not natural."

"Oh, right, well, I still stand by the rest of what I said. What's in the bags?" Percy vaulted over the coffee table, snatching one from Dean's hands, "Bread? Score!"

As the waiter stuffed his face with food, the brothers turned to Frank the Human, who look exasperated but not at all surprised at his friend's antics. "So, how do you know Percy?"

Frank the Human tilted his head, seeming to contemplate how to answer, "We met when he was sixteen or seventeen at a summer camp we were, uh, volunteering at. I guess we just became really good friends and kept in contact. How do you two know Percy?"

"I was homeless and he let me live with him," Dean answered honestly, gesturing for Percy to toss him a garlic knot.

"I was kidnapped," Sam added, looking far too happy to say his choice of words.

Frank the Human nodded slowly, "I... See... Somehow, I'm not surprised. I was just stopping by 'cause May and Annabeth wanted to talk to me about something. Have you seen them? Percy was being purposely vague."

"I think they're at May's apartment," Dean responded, shrugging. "It's about two blocks down or something by the bar that smells like lavender for some reason."

"Bar that smells like lavender," The man said to himself, committing it to memory. "Alright, thanks. It was nice meeting you all but I should go. I've already kept Percy from his nap long enough."

Sam smiled pleasantly, holding out his hand, "It was nice meeting you, too. Maybe we'll see you around?"

"Maybe," Frank the Human grinned back, shaking the youngest Winchester's hand. "Take care."

When the man left, Sam turned to his brother and Percy, both who were now talking about how they should store the rest of the bread since there was so much of it. He sighed, walking over to grab the bags from their hands, "I'll take over. Dean, go take a shower. Percy, drink some water and take a nap, you look like a corpse."

"Fine," Percy pouted, turning to grab a cup. He filled it with water from the nap, staring down at it for a moment before shrugging and drinking it in one gulp. "What have you been doing all morning, Samantha?"

"I was studying at the diner while Dean was working," Sam answered, carefully diving the bread evenly between the two bags since Percy and his brother ate some.

Percy scrunched up his nose, "Ew, studying. Nerd."

"Aw, don't be jealous that I'm smarter than you."

The green-eyed man sniffed, pulling a faux offended look, before throwing water from his cup in the youngest Winchester's face.

Sam sputtered, wiping his eyes, "Where'd you get the water from?! I watched you drink it all!"

Percy waved his hand vaguely, putting his dish in the sink, "Don't worry about it."

"I'm worrying! Just- Go take a nap. I'll order takeout for us. What do you want?"

"Uh, Chinese," The man shrugged before walking over to the couch and flopping face-first onto it. "Leave me to die."

Sam snorted, "Will do. Anything in particular that you don't want?"

"Fish. Don't get me fish. But get me something hella spicy. I want it to be hot enough to burn out my depression."

 He nodded, making a mental note to ask for the hottest dish the nearest Chinese place had. "Alright, no fish, something spicy. Can I use your-" He blinked when Percy threw his wallet at him. "Thanks."

"Shh, I'm sleeping."


hey, everyone! i hope you like this chapter, it was really fun to write. let me know if there's any ideas you may have that you would like to share!


Words: 1,260

Song: Warm Up - NF

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