Chapter 26: The World

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last chapter wasn't that good. i'll give you something better


The king of Olympus was looking at Percy with shocked surprise as the weapon made its way towards him. Never had he thought that any demigod would be so daring as to attack a god as outright as the child had just done. Sure, many had tried but none had been so bold as to rush into Olympus on their own- even Kronos hadn't made that mistake.

The weapon Poseidon's kid created was huge and sharp with even the water droplets seeming like needles as they hit the ground. Even as he reached up to remove the object, Zeus could feel a large point make its home in his hand, causing his eyes to widen and him to groan in pain.

"You've gotten too bold," Zeus rumbled, glaring at the boy. "You've been spending too much time with my blasted son's daughter."

"Aw, don't be like that. I thought you were so proud of him. He was your special hero."

Zeus huffed, releasing the weapon around him. "He's embarrassed my name and made a mockery of me."

"I think you do that pretty well on your own. As much as I hate Hercules, he's only a small mark compared to your many many flaws. We're not here to talk about May, though." He smiled widely, water wrapping around his hand to begin creating a weapon. He could see the shock and confusion from Hermes and Apollo about the fact that Poseidon wasn't stopping him and he reveled in it. "You went against our deal." He shook his head solemnly, like he was facing a child. "And all I asked was for you too keep it in your pants.

Hera's hands tightened on the arms of her throne, knuckles turning white, and Percy knew then that it was the first time she heard the news. Her face reddened slightly and she looked both betrayed and resigned- but never surprised. It was almost like she simultaneously had hope that he would change and resignation that he would just repeat the pattern. It was dizzying to watch the array of emotions filter across her face.

"Queen Hera," Percy spoke again, gaining her attention. "Zeus and I made a deal where he would stay away from myself and anyone I considered my friends, and this includes sexually."

"Could he have not known?" Apollo asked, leaning forward in his chair. With the way he phrased the question and his tone, it was clear that the sun god did not believe that his father did not know who Cynthia was.

The son of Poseidon rolled his eyes. "Everyone and their mom knows that Cynthia and I are as close as siblings. This was intentional so that motherfucker could get his dick wet and spite me at the same time."

Hephaestus, who was tinkering quietly at his thrown, looked up with surprise and interest. He hadn't heard someone go against Zeus that much in millennia. Judging by the look on Ares' face, he was also shocked but also impressed. Hermes looked like he was having a field day, giving Poseidon wide-eyed looks while not-so-subtly gesturing to the demigod. Poseidon was just a proud parent at that moment.

"I did not know that Cynthia was a companion of yours," Zeus rumbled, once again trying to move the weapon from in front of him.

Percy tilted his head back with a sigh before looking towards Apollo with a raised eyebrow.

Apollo shook his head.

"There you go lying. Tell us the real reason, Zeus. We all know that you knew who Cynthia is to me."

Zeus' eyes filled with something as he grinned and it made Percy's blood boil. "You thought you could just make a deal with me and I'd listen?" He laughed, shaking his head. "You're just a pathetic little demigod. You may think you're all powerful but I can strike you down right here and now. Your bitch friend Cynthia was an easy way to get to you. She was a good lay, though. I should go back for seconds."

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