Chapter 8: Don't Tip the Salt Shaker

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"Suit up, Pooh Bear."


The hunter looked up from where he was cleaning some glasses, "Yeah, boss?"

"I need to see you and Jackson in my office. Now."

Percy and Dean looked at each other before following the man in the other room. "What's wrong?" The black-haired waiter leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, face serious for once. His green eyes seemed to be searching for something on the older man's face and Dean was slightly surprised to see their boss look a bit uncomfortable under his gaze, and the hunter felt like he was being left out of something.

"There's someone looking for you, asking for a 'Dean Winchester,'" Boss turned to the brunette, raising his eyebrows. "Says he's your father."

Dean tensed, "My father?" He barely registered Percy's scowl when he heard who was looking for him.

"Yeah, there was a tall man with him, someone with shaggy hair."

"Sam," It was Percy who whispered the name, his mouth set in a thin line. "Did they say why they're looking for him?"

Boss shrugged, "All your father," He looked at Dean. "Said was that you ran away."

"I didn't run away!" The hunter growled, clenching his hands into fists, "He left me behind!"

"Think they're coming today?" Percy wondered, pushing himself off of the wall and moving to grab his and Dean's outfits.

"I reckon so," Boss nodded, sighing as he ran a hand down his face.

"Cool," The black-haired waiter shoved the reindeer suit at the Winchester. "Suit up, Pooh Bear. We got some people to serve. If Sam and John do show up," His eyes seemed to flash for a moment in the light. "I'll talk with 'em."

When the two left the room, Boss sat down heavily in his chair, "John, you stupid son of a bitch... What have you done?"

"Mmm," Percy hummed to himself as he served drinks, dancing slightly along to the Christmas songs playing softly through the speakers in the corners of the diner. He looked up when the bell on the door went off and tensed. He didn't know who the first man was but he figured it was John. That definitely was Sam entering the diner after him.

"Winnie!" The waiter turned to his friend, who looked up from the cup he was carefully handing to this little girl, his big gloves slightly making it harder. "Clear the table, we have two plaid backs!"

Plaid backs were Dean and Percy's way of saying that John and Sam had entered the diner. The black-haired man had jokingly said that the Winchester had to be related to plaid with how much he wore it. Now, he realized, Dean's family all wore plaid.

"Gods of Olympus," Jackson muttered as he walked past the man that was practically his best friend. "Family of plaid, I tell ya." He turned to John and Sam, who were looking at him in confusion- probably for the name, "Right this way, sirs."

"Thanks," John said gruffly, following the slightly shorter male.

"Yeah, thanks," Sam gave him a kind smile.

Percy looked at him for a moment, eyes narrowed, before pointing at side of the booth, "You sit here with your stupidly long legs. You," He ignored John's glare, sending an annoyed one back at him. He was only annoyed because all of the Winchesters were taller than him! "Sit across from him." He straightened slightly and took out his notepad, "My name's Jackson and I'll be serving you giants today." He handed them their menus, "What drinks can I get you to start y'all out with?"

"Water for me, please," Sam said, smiling a bit in amusement at the comment about their heights.

"Whiskey," John spoke, short and to the point.

"Yeah, bud, I'll need to verify your age- Don't look at me like that, kids these days are growing facial hair in kindergarten. Thank you," Percy grabbed the driver's license, hiding a smug smile. He turned to Sam, "You're nice. I like you. You," He gave the eldest Winchester a long look. "...We'll see. I'll have your drinks out in a bit. Hang tight, don't tip the salt shaker. Y'all know the drill."

"He's nice," Sam grinned, opening his menu.

"He's rude," John corrected, subtly rolling his eyes.

"Eh, I don't know, dad... He kinda reminds me of Dean," The youngest Winchester shrugged. "Maybe we should ask to see if he's heard anything about him."

The father was quiet for a moment before nodding, "Alright, we will. But keep an eye on this Jackson. Something's not right about him."

"Family's interesting so far," Percy said, holding up John's driver's license.

Dean's eyes widened when he saw that the little card obviously did not say 'John Winchester,' "Perce-"

"Look," The waiter held up a hand to stop him. "I don't care- No, really, I don't. It'd be hypocritical of me if I did. I won't ask about it, alright? Let's just see what your dad and brother want and get them out of here."

"Right," Dean nodded, mind running over the 'hypocritical' comment a few times in his head.

"Good," Percy grabbed the water and the whiskey, flashing a grin at his friend before he walked off.

"Well, Mr. Roberts, looks like you are old enough to have one of these."

John looked up from his menu when the waiter put the whiskey down and noticed Jackson giving him a chesire cat smile, looking like the cat that got the canary for some reason. "...Thanks."

"Yeah, thank you," Sam said when he received his water.

"No problem," Jackson nodded. "Tell me, what brings you to good ol' Madison?"

"Just passing through," John spoke before his son could. He ignored the younger hunter's look. Something about this waiter didn't sit right with him. The man's eyes were too bright, the color seeming to swirl with his emotions, and he gave off this presence of power that made the eldest Winchester tense.

"Well," Percy continued. "I hope you enjoy your time in Madison while you're here. Ready to order?"

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