Chapter 15: Get In the Car

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"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you," Percy snapped at the Winchester in front of him, seemingly not worried about the gun aimed at his chest.

"Murder is illegal," John responded, his grip on his weapon tightening. He felt a flash of annoyance at the waiter's nonplused look.

"Says the one holding the gun," The black-haired man snarked, rolling his eyes. "Out of the both of us, which one will actually be pegged as the murderer?"

John was quiet for a moment, taking in the look in the younger man's eyes, at how his smirk turned shark-like, "Still you."

Percy barked out a laugh, shaking his head, "I wouldn't even have to touch you, John Winchester." He waved his hand, "But we're not talking about me. What the actual fuck made you think leaving Dean was a good idea?" He huffed, crossing his arms, "No, better yet, why isn't Sam in school? Is it break already?"

"Why do you know that about Sam?"

The green-eyed man took a deep breath and someone in the motel room rattled in time with him, making John tense for some unknown reason. "Dean is, whether you like it or not, my best friend. Best friends talk about things. Now, I don't know everything about your son, and he doesn't know everything about me, but we make it work. Whenever we have a problem, we find a solution together. Have you ever done that, John Winchester?"

John gritted his teeth, knowing his silence was answer enough. He wanted nothing more than to wipe that smirk off the waiter's face but he knew two things; he was outclassed and out of his element. Somehow, this man gave off the feeling a hunter did, but there was no way he could be one. Everyone knew about the Winchesters one way or another, so if Percy knew about him, he would have said something.

"Doesn't matter," Percy shook his head, rolling his eyes. "But I'll tell you what's going to happen now." His gaze was sharp and his tone was cold and commanding. "Dean is not going to join you on whatever psycho trip you have planned that you feel must involve that gun," He nodded at the weapon. "And Sam stays here."

"That is not your decision to make! Sam comes with me!"

Percy growled, his green eyes flashing, "And that's not yours to make either! John Winchester, you pulled Sam out of Stanford just so he could help you out. What part of that seems fair to him? Sam is staying here, end of discussion. You are going to leave this area and never come back, or I'll make you go."

John frowned, frustrated, "I'm the one with the gun."

"You and I both know I don't need one to deal with you." Percy pinched the bridge of his nose and mumbled, "I'm going to ignore how we sound like a married couple..." He looked back at the Winchester, "You have one hour to pack your shit and leave. Don't talk to Dean, don't talk to Sam. Just... Leave. I don't want to see you again, you understand me?"

John wanted to say no, to tell the man that he wasn't going to listen to whatever the hell he said, but his body wouldn't respond. Some part of himself was wary around the waiter, like his subconscious could sense a danger that he couldn't see. "Fine," He managed to get out. "I'll leave ya."

"Good," Percy nodded, stepping back towards the door, not turning around. "And for both of our sakes, I hope you mean that."

With that, Percy finally left, making sure to slam the door behind him. "We're done here," He said to May, Dean, Annabeth, and Sam. "Get in the car."

"Uh, see you around, Dean," Sam said awkwardly, waving to his brother.

Percy regarded him with a cold look, "You're coming with me. Get in the damn car."

Sam gaped at him for a moment before he nodded rapidly, "Uh, yes, sir!" He leaned over to his brother, mumbling, "He's scary."

Dean shrugged, "You get used to it." He nodded towards the Impala, "I'd get in now, though, before he chews off your hands."

"My hands?" Sam gulped, hiding them under his armpits.

The elder brother grinned, "I don't know, he threatened to chew off Jameson's hands last week."

"He tried to give me a tuna sandwich," Percy growled, looking like he was going to start foaming out of the mouth. "Now get in the damn car! All of you!"

There was no more conversation as the five of them climbed into the Impala, Sam terrified as he was wedged between May and Percy in the back.

"Diner," Percy said, looking out the window. "We need to have a serious discussion."

Dean looked into the rearview mirror at his little brother and mouthed 'oh shit.'


No one said anything as Percy stormed into the diner, four people trailing behind him, two trudging along like children about to be scolded. While May was known to be one of the scarier waiters, Percy could be truly terrifying. His anger was more effective because he was always happy, greeting everyone with smiles. The fact that he didn't even greet Boss with an insult showed just how pissed he was.

"Sit," Percy said, gesturing to a table in the break room. Once everyone was seated, he sighed, "Sam, you are going to be staying here in Wisconsin for a bit. You are not going with your father to do fuck knows what."

Sam looked apprehensive but he nodded slowly, "Okay... What am I going to do here?"

The green-eyed man peered at him, "You're going to get a job and save your money. I don't care where you work, just that you get some form of income. Annabeth and I have to make some calls, threaten some people, the usual. Then, I'll tell you what else you're going to do."

The youngest Winchester tilted his head, "Sounds fair." He chose to ignore the middle part of what Percy said, deciding it was best for his sanity not to ask.

"Winnie," Percy looked at Dean. "Stop looking like I ate your pie. I'm not going to interrogate you about your father. Sam isn't going to go with John to do whatever but you have a choice to make."

Dean blinked at him before looking at May and Annabeth, both looking like they were trying to hide how nervous they were. He thought about the days he spent waiting for his father to come home, not even knowing if that would be an option. The hardest times were when he didn't have enough money for food for him and Sammy. He was always hungry those nights.

Then, he thought about his time in the diner, when Percy and him would dash around the diner, laughing as they both nearly tripped over each other, making jokes and ducking when May came in with her menu of doom. Late nights with Percy, where they would hum songs from musicals, watch shitty tv, and eat microwaved popcorn, were always the best. He never felt want on those nights. He had everything.

When you really got down to it...

"Is that really a question?" Dean tried to joke but it probably had more emotion than he meant.

Percy's voice wavered a bit as he answered, "Just had to check."


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Words: 1,228

Video: YOU'RE GONNA LAUGH... | UNO - Markiplier

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