Chapter 32: Himbos

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Luckily for Percy, he was only maimed slightly by Annabeth, and the blonde was willing to sit down with Hera, Aphrodite, May, and him to figure out exactly what to do with the goddesses. In light of what transpired in Olympus a few hours ago, Hera and Annabeth were only slightly awkward with each other instead of outright insulting each other like they used to.

"There's a few apartments that are leasing right now. We can look at some this afternoon." May said as she sat back in her chair, a mug of coffee cradled in her hands. They were in her apartment at the moment since Sam and Dean were both off work and hanging out together at home. It was probably a bad thing to leave them alone since Percy had yet to speak to Dean after discovering the existence of demigods, but May decided that they had other things to worry about.

"If I am going to be living here, I would like to get a job." Hera's voice was slightly awkward for someone that used to be the queen of Olympus, but no one called her out on it since they understood that it was new territory for her. "I know I have much to learn, but I would like to try."

"That's the spirit!" Percy cheered while Annabeth and May looked at each other tiredly. "What about you, Aph?"

The goddess blinked, looking a bit caught off guard, before she shrugged, looking almost like she wanted to be anywhere but there, which wasn't the usual for her and was a bit worrying. "Do I have to decide right now?"

The son of Poseidon shook his head before the two young adults near him could say anything possibly upsetting. Although they were more understanding of Hera and her plight, they were a bit more hesitant of Aphrodite since they didn't see why exactly she had to be with them. Percy figured it was because he and Zeus had a deal to stay away from each other, and Zeus was now wary since the son of Poseidon proved that he wouldn't hesitate to make Zeus pay for crossing him.

"No, of course not." He smiled gently, noting the way the goddess of love was rubbing her thumb on the bruise on her wrist that still had yet to properly heal. "Take your time, okay? I'll help you when you're ready."

"Thank you." Aphrodite said as she inclined her head, grinning at his look of distaste at the action. So it wasn't just Hera he didn't like doing that, it was her as well. She wondered if it was because they were goddesses or if it was everyone in general. She'd have to ask later when they weren't discussing living arrangements and such. "Can you teach me how to drive?"

May choked on her coffee and Annabeth started snickering and patting her cousin's back. "Percy's driving isn't exactly what people would consider the best. It's like he learned in Florida or something." The daughter of Athena cautioned. "Though, he surprisingly has never gotten a ticket."

"Surprisingly?" Percy bristled, though there was mirth dancing in his eyes. "I'm a damn good driver, thank you." He turned to the goddess of love, who was watching the exchange with amusement. "Of course, I can teach you. We'll start after you get settled into your guys' apartment and shit."

"I'd like to learn as well." Hera piped up, pushing up the sunglasses that she had yet to take off. They made her look insanely cool, and Percy could see May warming up a bit to the goddess and her more relaxed nature now that she wasn't expected to be the perfect goddess of marriage. "If that's alright."

He nodded, expertly ignoring the horror growing on Annabeth and May's faced. "The more the merrier. We'll figure out a schedule later that works for all of us."

"I only have one extra guest bed," May said as she placed her mug on her coffee table. "So, someone is going to have to room somewhere else 'cause I don't have a pull-out couch."

"One of them can stay with me." Percy sighed, knowing that May's statement was pointed at him since he did, indeed, have a pullout couch and he and Dean had started sharing a room.

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