Chapter 5: Mind the Ducks

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"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"


They got chased by ducks.

They didn't know how it happened but one moment they were feeding them and the next, one jumped on Dean's back.

It was pretty funny and Percy wouldn't stop laughing as they stumbled to their cars, finally having lost the animals. "Oh, gods, that was great," The green-eyed man laughed, slumping against his Buggy.

Dean just chuckled, nodding his head as he removed pieces of bread that the ducks had, somehow, managed to get on them. "We should do this again, it was fun."

Percy looked contemplative for a moment, "How 'bout every weekend." He grinned, clearly warming up to his idea, "It'll be, like, a tradition, yeah?"

The Winchester nodded, feeling a smile grow on his face. A tradition. Did his family have one? Maybe they did. Dean couldn't remember. "Sounds good to me," He held out his hand to help up the other man. "Come on, let's get the grocery shopping over with. I want me some pie."

"Okie dokie," Percy climbed into his car, honking the horn. It never failed to make the Winchester laugh.


"If we're getting that, you're paying for it."

"But..." Percy looked down at the five-pound bag of M&Ms in his arms. "I can share...?"

Dean bit his lip, eyes flickering to the bag for a moment, "...Fine. Help me find the pie in here. I swear this is like a freaking maze..."

"Aye, aye, Captain!" Percy gave the man a mock salute, grinning. "I think I saw a small bakery over near the back. Maybe they have fresh ones."

They raided the bakery, grabbing many pies and cookies and basically anything they could afford. May would probably call them fatasses, asking how they didn't have diabetes already, and smack them with a menu. She claimed she was trying to keep them alive. They were sure no one could work at the diner where burgers are made daily and eat that much green. It was not natural.

"Let's get some soda and get outta here," Percy grinned, hanging onto the front of the cart while Dean pushed.

"'Kay," The Winchester nodded, moving along down to the beverage section.


"Y'all are fatasses."

The two men looked at May unimpressed. "Called it," Dean grinned at his friend, who rolled his eyes and took out his wallet, forking over a five.

May shook her head rubbing her forehead, "Unbelieveable. Boss needs you guys to come in all of next week. Christmas is coming up and we're short some people. That okay with ya?"

Percy and Dean looked at each other and shrugged, "Sure, we weren't going to be doing anything special anyway."

The redhead sighed, "I don't know if I should consider that sad or not..."

"Definitely not," Dean said. "We don't like reality in our apartment. It messes with our wa."

"Your wa?"

The two men grinned, "Exactly."

May threw her hands in the air, "Fuck my life, I'm outta here. See ya guys on Thursday."

"Byeee, May!"

Percy sat back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling for a moment, "So, are we cooking dinner or eating cereal?"

There was a beat of silence before the Winchester responded, "Well, we just bought a perfectly good box of Lucky Charms, so..."

"Fuck it. Sounds good to me. Get the bowls, I got the milk."


When Thursday came around, two days later, the two men went back to work early to talk with the boss. Apparently, there were some new things being added to their aprons and such to lighten up the mood for the holidays.

Dean was pretty sure it was just his way to get back at them for all the shit they pulled.

The two men walked into the diner early in the morning, too early if you asked them, with coffee in their hands. They were the main waiters, they always came in whenever asked by the boss, and the meeting couldn't start without them.

An elderly man sat at the bar with May, speaking quietly. He looked up when the bell on the door rang, a crooked grin making its way on his face, "Well, if it isn't the pretty boys. Finally come to do your job?"

"Shut your ass up," Percy smirked, clasping his hand with the man. "You're lucky we even agreed to come. We have a right to this holiday, too, you know, Boss."

"May told me you guys had no plans."

"Well, maybe May needs to stop telling people about our depressing lives," Dean gave the woman a mock glare. He quickly looked away when she lifted up her menu with a raised brow.

Boss wagged a finger at the Winchester, "I knew there was a reason I hired you, and not just because of your last name."

The hunter tensed, his thoughts going into overdrive. Why would his last name mean anything to Boss? Was it because his father was John Winchester? Maybe it was because Winchester is the name of a gun... Or maybe the boss was a hunter and he recognized his name because of the Winchester Family's reputation. "Really? How come?"

Boss' answer was one thing but his eyes told a different story, "I know my guns. Winchester is one of the ones I admire."

"Alright, Boss, that's enough," Percy put a hand on the man's shoulder, giving him a sharp look.

The man looked sheepish for a moment, "You're right, I got carried away." He turned to the rest of the employees that came into work early that morning, "We ready to get on with the meeting?"

There were 'yes's and 'yeah's all around and some general bitching and moaning. There was no doubt, however, that everyone loved their job and came to every meeting if they could. Everyone was always smiling, ever so kind to the customers but never a pushover. It was rated Number One Diner in the county for customer service alone and Number Two for their food. They were still working on getting the summer sausage just right. It was a working progress.

"Alright, Ryan and Lucy have been working on new additions for your aprons," The Boss sighed, leaning back against his chair. "Go to them and get your new shit. No complaints. You're not here to whine. You're here to work."

"Whatever," Percy rolled his eyes. "You know I'll whine."

"That's a given. Get your crap, Jackson."

"Aye, aye, sir."

Dean followed his friend to the backroom where two people were waiting, handing out small items with mischievous looks. The man had sandy brown hair and brown eyes, a smile tilting his lips that made the Winchester think that was all he ever did. He looked kind, like everyone else was, and it felt like he could do no harm to anybody. The woman standing next to him had to be at least twenty with her long blonde hair and hazel eyes. She kept elbowing Ryan when he went to give one of the waiters something pink and glittery, obviously having to deal with his crap all the time if she could stop him without even sparing him a glance.

Finally, it was Percy and Dean's turn and they walked up to the table with a feeling of dread. For some reason, they felt like this was when everyone was going to get them back for all the pranking they did last week. Ryan and Lucy were eyeing them up and down before handing each a plastic bag, ushering them out the door seconds later.

"Oh, gods," Percy's face was slack in horror as he opened his and he quickly shut it. "Uh, Dean, meeting in the Impala? You gotta see this."

The Winchester went outside, the other following, and slid into the driver's seat of Baby, "What is it?" He grabbed the bag when Percy shoved it at him and looked inside. "What? Oh, man, they got you good," He howled in laughter, clutching his stomach.

"Yeah, you won't be laughin' when you see yours, you ass."

"What?" Dean's eyes widened and he ripped open his bag, "Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"

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