Chapter 4: Blueberries

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"You drive a buggy?"


Dean didn't know why he was still here.

He didn't know why he told Percy basically his family issues- or why he even agreed to stay with him in the first place.

There was just something about the waiter that drew him in, relaxed him and soothed his nerves like his mother did for him when he was four. He had already lost that feeling before. He didn't want to lose it again. It was everything to him, everything he ever wanted right there in front of his face, and he didn't plan on letting it go. Not today. Not any day.

He had gotten a home and a job, something he always wanted but never admitted. Sammy was the one that wanted a normal life. Dean was always the perfect soldier.

He still went on hunts so Dean figured it wasn't exactly a "normal" life but it was the closest he ever came to one. Percy never questioned him when he came home late. Sometimes, he would still be awake when he walked in past midnight, two cups of hot chocolate next to him. Other times, he would already be asleep but there would be a note on the fridge that said dinner was in the microwave. Percy never said a word, he only gave him an assessing look and a smile that looked more relieved than anything.

How long has he been staying with Percy now? Two, four weeks? He didn't even know anymore. During that time, his father hadn't even called once. All he received were coordinates to, what he assumed, were more hunts. He was almost tempted to go on one until he smelled bacon being cooked and remembered that he didn't have to follow the orders of a man who couldn't even stick with his family. He had a new one in the form of two waiters; one who had zero self-preservation skills, and the other who was terrifying beyond belief.

He still loved Sammy, he'll always love his little brother, but he knew that he didn't want to see him again, be reminded of the life he left behind in order to go to college and have that apple pie life he dreamed of. He always thought of maybe going to California, see how he was, but always chickened out, always found an excuse not to. Why would Sam want to see him anyways?

He shouldn't have to worry about this. Sam and Dad went one way, Dean went the other. That was just how it was.

So, why did it hurt so damn much?

"You're doing that thing again," Percy was lying across the couch with a magazine on his face, hands folded over his stomach.

"What?" Dean looked over, eyebrows furrowed, "What thing?"

"The thing where you get all silent and brooding," Percy flapped a hand at him, not even bothering to lift the magazine. "Don't do that. It messes with my wa."

"Your wa?"


Dean shook his head, "What are we going to do today? We finally got the day off and, so far, we've just been sitting on the couch."

"Well," Percy sat up, letting the magazine fall on his lap. "I need to pick up my car from the shop and then we can go get ice cream or something."

The Winchester raised an eyebrow, "Ice cream?"

The green-eyed man threw his hands in the air in exasperation, "I don't know, man! I don't do anything on my days off! We can get ice cream and, maybe, take a walk..." He furrowed his eyebrows, "In the park... I guess. I don't know."

Dean shrugged, "Sounds good to me. I got nothin' better."

"Alright then let me go change," Percy flipped off the couch, nearly tumbling to the ground.

Dean tilted his head at the action. For some reason, it almost looked like the slip-up was intentional. Had that not happened, the brunette figured that the other would have been able to execute that perfectly. There were other things about Percy that he had noticed. For example, there was the fact that he could move around almost completely silent almost like...

Almost like a hunter...


"You drive a buggy?" Dean stared at the blue car, tilting his head at it. There was a moment of silence before he busted out laughing, clutching his stomach.

Percy offended, "It's a 1973 Punch Buggy and it's adorable!" He hugged the side of his car, a grin on his face. "He's a beauty!"

Dean stopped laughing for a second but a few chuckles escaped him, "Is-Is his name Blueberry?"

The green-eyed man bit his lip and looked away, "...Maybe?"

"Oh, man, that's just gold!" The Winchester went back to laughing, moving to his car.

"Whatever, asshole," Percy said but a grin was growing on his face. "Just follow me out."

"Are you sure, Jackson? I might accidentally hit your car 'cause it's so tiny!"

"I fucking hate you, Winchester," The twenty-something year-old shook his head and climbed in his car, waving to a mechanic as he pulled out. He honked his horn at Dean and the hunter laughed again when he heard the little beep.

When they got to the park, it was nice and quiet with a few kids hanging around. The field was huge, almost a bit more than half a football field, and the grass was healthy and green. There was a section with beautiful flowers, all different colors, and that was where all of the couples seemed to gravitate to.

"We need to find this dude with an ice cream truck," Percy waved in a random direction. "He has the best kind in all of Madison."

"Okay," Dean took a sweep around with his eyes before he spotted an old man with a cart. "Found him. He's near the pond thing."

"Good, let's go," The green-eyed man grabbed the hunter's arm, dragging him across the field. "Yo, Buck!"

The old man turned to the pair and gave a kind smile, "Hello, Percy. I see you've dragged another poor soul out for ice cream."

"Yup!" Percy looked proud of himself. "Your stuff's so good, I just had to tell everyone! Dean," He turned to his friend. "This is Buck. Buck, this is Dean my friend."

"Nice to meet you," Dean smiled, shaking the man's hand.

"You as well, son. Now, what can I get ya?" Buck gestured at the cart. There were four tubs; vanilla, chocolate, blueberry, and strawberry.

"Um, can I get a chocolate cone?" The Winchester said after a couple seconds of deciding, "Two scoops, please."

"Alright," Buck nodded and soon had the frozen treat ready. He looked at Percy, "Same as always?"

"You know it! Blueberry for the win!"

The old man rolled his eyes but got the ice cream, "This is your last one and then you have to start payin' again."

"Buck, I told you that you didn't have to do that. I can pay just fine."

"Before the old man could respond, he saw Dean's confused look, "Percy, here, fixed up this cart after one of the wheels fell off." He patted the side of the cart heartily.

Percy sighed but grinned, "You need a new wheel for your cart, wagon, chariot, or whatever, I'm your guy."

Dean thought the chariot bit was a bit strange to add on but he couldn't find any lie in the other's voice. "That's pretty cool," He nodded. "I'm good with cars and stuff like that."

"Really? Dude, that's awesome!" Percy slapped the hunter's arm with a laugh, "That means I don't have to take my car to the shop! Saved me a hundred dollars right there!" He cackled to himself before practically shoving his ice cream in his mouth.

The Winchester rolled his eyes, calming eating his own treat, "Whatever. Wanna go feed the ducks?"

"What?" Percy looked caught off-guard, a bit of ice cream still on his bottom lip. "We don't even have any bread."

The brunette lifted his other hand where a bag of Wonder Bread was held, "I read somewhere that Madison had ducks. I came prepared."

The grin that bloomed on Percy's face was the brightest he had ever seen and he could feel his own grin growing on his face, too.

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