Chapter 22: The Demigod Pow-Wow

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Sam woke up to water dripping on his face.

When he opened his eyes, he was met with a water gun aimed at his face, Percy looming over him like a demon straight from Hell. With what was absolutely not a startled squeak, Sam reared his leg back and kicked the man away from him before he realized what he was doing.

"Fucking ow!" Percy stood up from where he was sprawled a few feet away on his back, rubbing his stomach lightly with his hand, the water gun still clutched in the other. "You kicked me!"

Sam was sat up on his pullout bed, eyes wide, "I just fucking panicked."

"What's going on here?" Dean asked, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands to get the sleep out of them. "I can hear you all the way from my room."

Percy gestured at the youngest Winchester with the water gun, "Sam kicked me!"

"He was standing over me smiling like he was going to gut me!"

Dean sighed, running a hand through his hair, "Sam, Percy always looks like that. Have some class. Percy..." He turned to his best friend, who was opening and closing the cap on the water gun like it fascinated him. "We have a rule about causing chaos before eleven. It's only nine, dick-for-brains."

Percy narrowed his eyes at him but obediently lowered the water gun when the Winchester's eyes widened slightly. He looked over at Sam, who only looked a bit relieved, "When it hits eleven, I'm coming for you, Samantha."

"I go to work at ten," Sam said, only for his satisfied smile to drop when he heard Percy's next words.

"Did I stutter?"

Dean pushed his best friend out of the way, ignoring his indignant sputters as he made his way to the coffee maker. "Shut up both of you. It's too early to deal with your shit. Percy, you do know we're supposed to leave in thirty minutes, right?"

Percy blinked slowly before looking down at his white T-shirt and blue Cookie Monster pajama bottoms. "...I'll go change my pants. Save me a cup?"

"Don't I always?"


"Then hurry up so you can get some."

The black-haired man blew a raspberry at him before skulking off to his room without bothering to turn on the lights.

"I'm going to need therapy because of him," Sam said as he walked into the kitchen to lean against one of the counters.

Dean shrugged, pulling out two mugs- one green and one blue- despite what he said earlier. "You get used to it." He poured himself a cup, draining it's contents quickly and refilling it. "You want a ride to work today?"

"Sure, thanks. Give me a few minutes." The youngest Winchester walked over to the bathroom where his duffle bag was kept out of the way in the storage closet and grabbed some clothes to change into. After getting ready and brushing his teeth, he walked back out to see Dean folding up the pull out bed while humming some Metallica song. "Shit, sorry, I should've done that."

"It's whatever." His brother straightened up and tossed the pillows back onto the couch. "Percy, hurry the fuck up or I'm leaving you!"

Percy walked out of his room, beelining to the kitchen for his coffee. He chugged the contents of the blue mug before frowning down at it. He eyed the coffee maker for a moment as if contemplating something and grabbed it, downing it in only a few gulps. "Ah, much better."

Sam blinked at the man, who was acting like he didn't just drinking scorching coffee like it was water, before shaking his head slowly, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'm good. I just have to find my shoes."

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