Chapter 16: We're Being Robbed

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"Don't look at me like that," Dean said as he twisted together five different fuzzy pipe cleaners while sitting in the living room in his boxers. "Everything is fine."

Sam nodded slowly from where he stood in the doorway, a messenger bag slung over his shoulder. "I didn't say it wasn't. What're you making?"

"A new best friend," Dean mumbled, carefully twisting an orange pipe cleaner around a purple one. "Since mine has passed away."

"Winnie, I just went to Walmart," Percy huffed, walking inside with four large bags, which he proceeded to shove at Sam. "I didn't die."

Dean made the arm of his creation point at the black-haired man, "No, you just left me behind."

Percy rolled his eyes, "It's not my fault May needed your help setting up the diner this morning. Look, I got you pie. Forgive me?"

"Fine," The Winchester sighed dramatically, already standing up so he could inspect the bags in his little brother's arms. "Why'd you go to Walmart again?"

"I didn't have enough bedsheets for Sam," Percy said, heading to the kitchen for some ice cream. "And then I thought I might as well get some groceries while I was at it."

Dean nodded, letting out a small 'aha!' when he found the pie. "Where's he sleeping?"

Sam set the bag with the bedsheets down, taking the rest to the kitchen, "He said I was sleeping on the pullout couch."

"We have a pull out couch?" Dean tucked the container of pie under his arm before skulking over to poke the furniture with his foot. "Why have I not known about this?"

"Because I don't like you."

"Fuck you, I'm a delight." Dean made his way over to the kitchen as well, leaning over to snag some ice cream off Percy's spoon, ignoring his friend's outraged cry as he turned to Sam, "How's your job search going? See anything you like?"

Sam shrugged, "Library's hiring. Might try applying there."

Although Percy had said that Sam needed to find a job, he refused to allow another Winchester to work at the diner, stating that one was enough for his mental health, thank you. Sam could apply anywhere in Madison, Wisconsin but if he so much as tried to at Percy's job, he thought he might just scream.

Dean snorted, "Nerd."

"At least someone here reads."

The three men turned to see Annabeth walking into the apartment, May following behind her. "Oh, look, we're being robbed," Percy said sarcastically as he scooped up a giant spoonful of ice cream. He pointed at Sam with the utensil, "What kind of guard dog are you?"

"I'm a person."

Dean ignored the two and focused on the women, "Are we being robbed?"

Annabeth shrugged, "May's out of beer. Thought you two might have some here."

Percy squinted at her for a moment, slowly putting the insane amount of ice cream in his mouth, "Inba fwige."

"Thanks, Seaweed Brain."

"'uck oo."

"Mature," Annabeth laughed, moving around Sam to get to the fridge. "Woah, you guys have a lot of beer in here."

Percy pointed at Dean, "Don't look at me, Winnie is the raging alcoholic here."

The elder Winchester blew a raspberry at him, "Says the one who drank four bottles of beer in one sitting cause they thought they were dehydrated."

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