Chapter 11: "I Skimmed"

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Hey-o! I'm uploading this chapter from my phone, which is why the dedication is different. This chapter is dedicated StellaWilson452 because you're a special bean! Hope you enjoy!


"Hey, are you okay?" Dean asked when he saw Percy staring down at a receipt for the third time, "Did someone write a bad review?"

That caught the waiter's attention and he scoffed, "Since when has anyone ever written a bad review about me? I'm wonderful."

"Right," The Winchester nodded, humoring his friend. "Well, if it's not a bad note then what's on it?" He tried to peer over the other's shoulder but Percy moved away.

"It's a flirtation," Percy said dramatically, holding the receipt over his head away from the brunette. "It's none of your business."

Dean snorted, "What are you, eighty? No one says flirtation anymore."

"Whatever," The black-haired man stuck his tongue out at the other before pocketing the receipt. "I'm going to go on a walk. I'll meet you back here in thirty, yeah?"

"Sure," The Winchester nodded. "Give me your keys, I'll go get us some pie."

"Awesome," Percy tossed him his car keys before grabbing his jacket and walking out the door. "You're the best!" The waiter shrugged on his coat, blowing into his hands for a moment before placing them in his pockets. He walked for maybe ten minutes, turning corners at seemingly random and occasionally taking his hands out to blow on them once more. It was getting pretty chilly in Wisconsin, he'd have to buy some gloves soon.

Finally, Percy stopped, scuffing his shoes on the pavement and hunching his shoulders when a cool breeze went down his neck. "Alright, what do you want?" He turned to see Sam Winchester approaching him, dressed in plaid and a warm looking coat, the garment thicker than the simple zip-up he was wearing.

"You know why I'm here," Sam shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets. "I mean, you did read what I wrote, right?"

"I skimmed," The waiter admitted. "Read something about you looking for your brother, blah blah blah, it being urgent. Something about him being missing? Oh, and I read the word 'dad' somewhere there, think next to the three dollar tip you gave me."

The youngest Winchester nodded, choosing to ignore the tidbit about the tip, "Right. My dad and I are looking for my brother Dean. We think he might have come through here."

Percy squinted at him, "What, is he your baby brother or something? Why should it matter where he is?"

"No, I'm the youngest. I haven't talked to him in a few years, I wanna find him."

"Maybe," The black-haired man said slowly, in the nearly patronizing tilt he had in the diner. "He doesn't want to be found. Ever think of that- What's your name? George?"

"Sam," The brunette rolled his eyes. "Do I look like a George? Wait, nevermind. Maybe you're right, maybe my brother doesn't want to see me or something, but I want him to tell me that. I- I don't know, I miss him. He's my big brother."

Percy was quiet for a moment before he nodded slowly, "What's his name?"

Sam gave a quiet sigh of relief, "Dean. Winchester. Dean Winchester."

"Winchester," The waiter said it slowly, like he was testing it out. "I'll keep an eye out for him. Lots of people come in the diner, maybe there'll be a Dean. No promises. You got a number I can reach you at?"

"Yeah," The brunette pulled out a pen, patting his pockets for a piece of paper. Before he could ask, the other man was already flapping the receipt from before at him. "Thanks. Right, here you go."

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