Chapter 23: Nyoom

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"Um..." Dean watched his roommate dart across the room with a duffle bag, shoveling anything he thought was important inside. "Are you going somewhere? Why are you... Nyooming?"

"I'm going to head to New York for a bit," Percy explained as he shoved something in the bag that looked suspiciously like a gun. "I'm nyooming because... Because I just nyoom."

The Winchester nodded, stepping out of the way when the other darted past him. "Why are you going to New York?"

Percy turned to him slowly with a creepy smile, the action only highlighted by the fact that he was holding a deadly sharp throwing knife. "I'm going to kill someone."

Dean blinked. "I don't have bail money," He said slowly, walking forward to peer into his roommate's duffel bag. There were knives, guns, daggers, and a modified nerf gun that looked like it could tear him to pieces if fired at him. How he got it, Dean didn't know, but he somehow suspected that Annabeth had something to do with it. "Can I come with you?"

"No, sorry." Percy even sounded regretful, like he wanted nothing more than to take his best friend with him as he went on a murder spree. "I need you to watch the diner and shit, and I don't trust Sam here by himself. He might do something evil like stuff the fridge full of vegetables." He gave a dramatic shudder, turning away to pick up the balled up socks he forgot to put away when he was folding laundry. He stared at them for a moment before he shrugged, stuffing them in one of the side pockets of his duffel bag. "You can come next time, though. I'll have Annabeth or Cynthia watch the apartment then."

"Promise?" Dean held up his pinky, staring earnestly at his best friend.

Percy snorted but laced his finger with his, shaking his head. "I promise. I have to leave now, though, or my flight will leave without me."

The Winchester nodded, stepping back to let his friend past. "I'm curious about what TSA will say about your bag. Text me about it later."

"Right, TSA." The black-haired man picked up his duffel bag, slinging it over his shoulder. "Because I'm riding a plane." He patted the other on the shoulder, walking out towards the living room. "Should I die, never to return..." He swiped a bagel from Sam's hand, ignoring his indignant shouts, and pointed at Dean with it. "Still put up the bunkbed, I'll be back anyways."

Dean laughed, shaking his head as he made his way to the kitchen. "I'll order one later today. Have fun in New York. Send pictures."

Percy pointed finger guns at him before grabbing his coat by the entrance, saluting the two Winchesters as he ran out the front door. "Don't burn down the apartment, I just paid this month's rent!"

As the demigod threw his duffel bag in the backseat of his car, he slid into the front seat and his hands gripped the steering wheel tightly. Now that he was alone to think, he could feel his anger thrumming in his veins once again, like strings of lava running across his nerves. Turning to look behind him, Percy reversed out of the parking space, driving over to May's place to drop off his car.

When he arrived, the redhead took one look at him and gestured behind her. "He's out in the back. I'd hurry or he'll leave without you."

"He wouldn't, he loves me."

May rolled her eyes. "Just go already." When he went to walk past her, she grabbed his arm, "Look... You know...  Be careful, alright? This isn't just some monster you can take down."

Percy smiled gently, grabbing her hand. "I promise I'll be as careful as I can."

She nodded slowly, though there was a part of herself that didn't believe him and they both knew it. Sometimes, Percy's anger got the best of him, especially when Richard was involved- that scumbag. People always thought that it was May with anger issues when, in reality, she was the one with the best control over her emotions compared to her friend. She had just spent so much of her life being angry that, now, all she felt was tired. 

"I just worry," May spoke, vulnerable for a moment before she got a handle on herself. She cleared her throat, stepping back. "You should go now if you want to make it there before it gets dark."

Percy blinked at her before dragging her into a hug. After a few seconds, he let her go, a large smile on his face. "I knew you loved me!" He cackled when she tried to swat at him and ran to towards the back of her house.

"Boss!" Blackjack stood in May's backyard, his dark wings flapping a bit in happiness as he trotted over. "It's been so long, you never call!"

"To be fair," Percy began, running a hand down the pegasus' side. "I live with hunters."

"Oh, well, I guess that would mess things up, huh?" He shook his head. "So, you really doing this? I mean, we're talking about the King Dude, you know?"

The son of Poseidon nodded. "Yeah, I'm really doing this. Dick and I made a deal before I came to Wisconsin and he went against it. I'm not just going to let that slide."

Blackjack mimicked his action. "You know he can hear you, right?"

Percy grinned sharply. "Oh, I know. It means he knows I'm coming to whoop his ass." He adjusted his grip on his duffel bag, his nerves thrumming with anticipation at the thought of tearing Zeus a new one for thinking he could get one over on him.

"Well, let's not keep him waiting any longer. Hop on, Boss. Ain't no one faster than me."

"You're the best, Blackjack. We'll get donuts after all this is over."

"Now you're speaking my language!"


"...What are you doing?"

Dean looked up from the pile of wood that surrounded him. "I'm putting together the bunkbed."

Sam blinked at him, taking in the mess of the area and not a hint of anything that hinted at a bedframe. "Where is it?"

"The instructions make no sense! It says to connect part A to B but none of this is labeled! And look at the pictures, it doesn't match any of the pieces at all!" He flapped the pamphlet at Sam, who snatched it before it could fall to the ground.

The youngest Winchester read it over, his eyebrows furrowing. "What the fuck?" He knelt down, grabbing one of the wood blocks. "I think this might be A? Wait, shit, no, maybe it's C?"

The two brothers read over the instructions and separated the piles of wood in different piles, both grumbling over the vague directions given in size 12 Times New Roman font. It was ten minutes later when Dean noticed an incredibly tiny marking on the bottom of one of the larger wood pieces.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" He practically shoved the item in his brother's face, pointing at the mark. "It is labeled! It's just in the tiniest font in existence!"

Sam shoved it away, frowning. "Great... Do we have a magnifying glass or something? This is going to be a pain in the ass..."

Dean shook his head and slapped his brother on the shoulder. "We better get started, Sammy, or we'll be here all night."

"I hate everything about this," The man groaned, hiding his face in his hands.


words: 1,235

song: Lean On Me - Bill Withers

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