Chapter 27: Home

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After Artemis heard about what happened from Apollo, she arrived at Olympus as fast as possible for Hera. When she saw the way the woman was crying, holding onto Percy as if he was the only thing keeping her standing, she sighed deeply. She wasn't sure why she was surprised that Hera would remove herself as queen and leave Olympus. Maybe she hoped that the goddess would be strong, that she would push herself and prevail with her head held high as always.

Hera was strong, there was no doubt about it, but Artemis realized then and there that she didn't have to push herself, she didn't have to live with the pain that came with each time Zeus cheated on her. She was strong enough and, now, it was time someone else held her up when she couldn't do it anymore. It seemed that Percy Jackson was that person for her, was the only person that realized she needed help in the first place. It saddened her to know that a mortal man was the one to notice that Hera was in pain while Artemis, one that had sat in the same throne room as the woman for many centuries, didn't even care to catch sight of her anguish.

She had a lot to apologize and make up for. She wouldn't blame the goddess if Hera couldn't bring herself to forgive her.

When Percy Jackson noticed Artemis, he regarded her with a blank look, as if he was studying her worth right then and there. She couldn't blame him like she usually would try with any male. She didn't have the right, not after she failed Hera the way she did.

Artemis only moved when the man nodded, carefully staying in his view. Apollo had told her what had happened in the throne room while she was away and, while her brother was one to exaggerate at times, she whole-heartedly believed him. Percy Jackson stood against Zeus and won, not in his strength but with words alone. He decimated the king of Olympus and probably would have put him straight into Tartarus if he hadn't let Hera take the reigns. When the man was relaxed, it was almost easy to forget that his name also meant 'destroyer.'

"Artemis will take care of you," Percy was telling Hera, his tone gentle as he ran a hand up and down her bicep in a soothing gesture. "You take all the time you need. Remember, you deserve it. For now, I am going to visit my mother and I have to deal with some shit down in Wisconsin. You can always visit or stay down there, alright? I'd be happy to have you over."

Whatever Hera had said, Artemis wasn't able to hear it. The goddess had spoke in a low tone but she seemed to be agreeing with him, what with the way she began nodding her hand and wiping her eyes. Hera straightened, holding her head up, and when she turned to Artemis, the only sign that she was ever upset was the slight reddening under her eyes. Despite the fact that she was not queen of Olympus anymore, she still held the mannerisms and power that came with that. It was wholeheartedly Hera herself.

"Artemis," Hera acknowledged, tilting her head at the other goddess. "There is much that we have to talk about."

"Yes," Artemis nodded, stepping closer then. "Where would you like to go?"

Hera tilted her head, thinking of some place that she could go that felt safe enough for her. "The library here should do for now. Zeus doesn't ever go in there." She snorted, something inelegant that had Percy grinning proudly. "Lord knows he doesn't ever use his brain. Hermes said that he was going to get Athena to see if there is more information she can provide in regards to this situation."

Percy nodded, clearly following her line of thought. "Just because Zeus said he would let Hera go doesn't mean he actually will keep his word. We all know that means jack shit to him. Athena will help you two come up with something that should last a bit until I can gather enough people to create something with a solid foundation. I already have two in mind that I know wouldn't mind assisting with a little convincing."

Artemis' eyes widened slightly at the look on the man's face. Whatever happened in the years between the last time he was in Olympus and now changed the man- or at least revealed his true nature. Percy was conniving and wasn't afraid to manipulate someone to do his bidding, whether it was for better or worse. She was not naïve to think that he would not be above manipulating the people closest to him as well.

"Go visit your mother," Hera ordered quietly, gently pushing the man a few steps towards the doors. "I know she has missed you greatly."

"Yes, my queen," Percy bowed to her, a hand on his chest, and he grinned cheekily when Hera just rolled her eyes. "I'll see you soon, yeah?"

"I'm sure you will. Thank you for everything."

He shook his head, turning around to walk out the doors. He waved a hand over his head. "Nothing to thank me for."


Once the door closed behind him, Percy leaned on it for a moment. He sighed deeply, running a hand down his face, before he straightened up. Lifting two fingers to his lips, he released a whistle that seemed to echo into the New York air. Tilting his body, he let himself fall off the edge of the walkway, his body now under the mercy of the air.

When the sounds of wings reached his ears, Percy abruptly forced his body to turn around and he adjusted himself in time to land on Blackjack's back safely. "You sure took your time!"

'You're crazy, Boss! What if I didn't get here on time? Would you have just let yourself go splat or something?!'

"Nah," Percy leaned forward, using the pegasus' mane to hide himself from the high winds. "I'd have handled it. You remember where my mom's place is, right? I promised her I'd visit."

'Of course I remember! She's the only one that actually gives me donuts!'

"Right, well, you're probably not going to be getting any this time, though I'm sure she'll make it up to you or whatever. I haven't stopped by in a few years, so she's probably going to kick my ass."

Blackjack actually shuddered, the two dipping in the sky as he froze momentarily in shock. 'You know what, I have a lot of things I need to do. I think I'll just drop you off, Boss.'

Percy cackled, his arms wrapping around his stomach as he laughed. Trust Blackjack to lift his spirits like that. "Sounds like a plan, bud."

When they finally arrived at the apartment complex, Percy slid off the pegasus' back before he could touch down and landed on the ceiling. He waved his friend off and walked around a bit to find the fire escape. It was a while since he had visited the area, he was a little out of touch with the entrances and exits. Once he found it, he carefully went down, counting the floors until he was on the level he remembered his mom and Paul's apartment being. Finding the door wasn't hard, especially since it seemed that Estelle got ahold of Finding Nemo stickers at one point and decorated the bottom half of it. Well, at least his baby sister had good taste in movies.

Percy took a steadying breath and did a secret knock that he and Sally had come up with when both of them couldn't sleep after his return from the war against Gaea. Sally had been worrying about her son, constantly waking up thinking that he would be gone, taken away from her once more. Percy himself, of course, was plagued with constant nightmares, his mind coming up with scenarios where he could have just fucked everything up. It was silly and an idea they had thought up late at night but the idea of a secret knock brought them a bit of comfort, even if it was rarely used.

It wasn't even a minute after he knocked when the door swung open and someone reached out, grabbing him by the front of his shirt and tugging him towards them. He released a startled shock, his arms flailing a bit, before he found himself wrapped in trembling arms.

"Perseus Jackson, you are in so much trouble!" Sally cried, tears dripping down her cheeks as she squeezed her son tightly.

Percy's eyes softened, his own tears beginning to form, before he leaned his head down to rest on his mother's shoulder, bringing his own arms around her.

"Hey, mom... I'm home."


words: 1,452

song: If You Want Love - NF (slowed)

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