Chapter 3: May is in Charge

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"You're the weirdo that hates bacon."


"Dean, help me, she's going to kill meeee!"

Dean awoke with a start on Percy's couch to see the man jump on the loveseat and flop on the other side on the floor, eyes wide and alert. He looked over at the door and nearly screamed when he saw a pissed off, soda-covered May standing at the door holding a menu like it was the most fierce weapon ever made.

At that moment, it might as well have been.

"Dude, what the hell?" Dean scrambled up, backing as far away from the woman as possible, "What did you do to her?"

"Me?" Percy peeked his head up over the loveseat to look at him with an affronted look, "What do you think it's m-" He yelped when a menu hit his head and he fell backwards, mouth open in shock, "I... Am going to die."

"You're damn right ya are," The redhead was glaring at the couch the waiter was hiding behind, like she could burn a hole through it at that very moment.

"Wait, wait, no," Dean looked over at the woman, holding his hands up in a placating manner. "He spilt soda on you, right?" He nodded to himself when she looked over in brief surprise, "Yeah, I get it, he's an asshole-" He ignored Percy's insulted shout and continued, "-but he's kind of the only friend I have here and, if you kill him, I'll be a homeless bum again."

May stared at him for a moment before huffing and swinging back some of her soda-covered hair, "Get me a drink and let's talk." When neither man moved, she glared, "Well?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Both scrambled up and ran to the kitchen.

"She's scary," Dean whispered as he reached for a cup in a cabinet.

Percy grabbed the jug of water in the fridge and murmured, "Tell me about it. I've known her for years now and she still scares the shit out of me."

"I'm waiting!"

They quickly made their way back to the living room where May was perched on the loveseat, somehow looking beautiful and dangerous in that moment. She smiled at them and grabbed the drink, taking a sip, "Two hot men serving me. How lucky am I?"

"You're disgusting," Percy snorted, rolling his eyes.

Dean gave a small laugh, "Thanks, I guess. So, you wanted to talk?"

"Yes," She nodded, setting her cup on the coffee table and crossing her legs. "You got the job."

"Seriously?" The Winchester beamed brightly and it made the lady smile while Percy, for some reason, looked caught off-guard. "When do I start?"

She looked at the small watch on her wrist and clicked her tongue, "Twenty minutes. Get dressed." She reached in her purse and brought out an apron, tossing it at the hunter. She pointed a manicured finger at Percy, "You know the dress code. Make sure he follows it."

The black-haired man gave a mock salute, "Yes, ma'am!"

"Good," She got up. "Thank you for the drink. See ya boys at work."

When she left, closing the front door softly behind her, Dean looked over at his friend with wide eyes, "Twenty minutes?"

"Yup," Percy got up, a wide grin on his face. "Come on, I think I got a shirt that can fit ya. You got any slacks?"

"Uh, yeah," He nodded. "I got a couple."

"Great, bring 'em out. Time to get ready for hell- Oops, I'm sorry, I meant work!"

"Your false cheer is killing me."

"Feel the pain."


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