A Year Full Of Surprises - Chapter Thirty-Eight.

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Chapter Thirty-Eight...

I didn’t realise how violently I was shaking until I decided that I had better do something, rather than wallow about how stupid I had been, constantly fearing Jord re-emerging from his room.

I had to get out of here, that was all I knew for certain. I couldn’t stay in his house after that performance and I most definitely couldn’t sleep in his bed. I retrieved my phone from my back pocket and thought about who I could ring.

I picked out Grace as my first option. She had said that family were sleeping for a few days, but I wasn’t sure how long she meant by that exactly. I did know that it was worth a chance and that she wouldn’t ask as many questions as Matt would.

Thankfully she answered after a couple of rings and I breathed a sigh of relief that she had picked up. “Hey Jessica, what’s up?” She asked.

“I know this is cheeky, but are your family still staying over? I really need somewhere else to stay.” I asked, hating how shaky my voice sounded. I coughed to try and remove some of the tell-tale signs that I’d been crying.

“Are you okay? You don’t sound too great.” She pointed out, sounding worried. “Has something happened?” Damn, she knew me too well already.

“I’m fine, just got a bad cough.” I lied.

“Well you can stay here if you like, my family left last night so I have plenty of spare rooms. I’ll admit that I don’t think you and Mr. Armstrong staying together is a good idea.” She offered generously.

“No, me neither.” I agreed quietly. “Can you come and pick me up?”

She agreed and after I gave her the directions, I began rooting around for my things. My rucksack and all my books were on the table and the shirt I had been wearing of Jord’s was on the washing pile in the corner. I grabbed it, uncaring of the consequences and shoved it in my backpack. Next to the t-shirt were a couple more of my items of clothing which I grabbed as well.

I wasn’t willing to disturb Jord which meant I had to leave behind my toothbrush and a couple of other things which I’d left in the bedroom.

Grabbing a piece of paper, I scrawled out a note to him.

I’ve gone to Grace’s. I’m sorry about earlier, it was my fault and I shouldn’t have done it.

Letting another tear roll down my face, I pulled myself together and left the apartment, shutting the door as quietly as I could behind me. I didn’t want him coming out to find out where I was headed. I don’t think I could deal with a confrontation.

Dawdling down the street and trying my best to keep a solid mask of no emotion on my face, I waited for Grace’s car to pull up beside me.

When it did, she let me in and I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t trust myself to speak unless I was giving a direct answer. “Has something happened? You’ve had a sudden change of heart about staying at Mr. Armstrong’s.” Grace inquired.

I shook my head. “The police just came round yesterday whilst I was there and I had to hide under the bed. I just don’t want a repeat of that.” I told her. Technically I wasn’t lying, all that had happened, it just wasn’t the main reason. “Do you really not mind me staying tonight? I’ll talk to my parents tomorrow. I promise.” I assured her.

I meant that. I had been happy to stay at Jord’s since I didn’t think he minded, but after this...incident, it wasn’t looking like such a good idea. I didn’t want to invade on Grace’s house and life, even if she told me she didn’t mind. I had to work things out with my parents and see if I could catch them in a less depressed mood.

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