𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬 - 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐨 𝐈

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(I was bored annnd...yeah, don't question my cheese logic.)

      Cold, that's all you felt when you wandered the roads. It would have been best if you had set up camp earlier, but then what were you to do while on the run while accused? Pity, you weren't aware your father preformed atrocities on your newly deceased mother. He saw his chance and took it. Blaming you for doing such heinous acts.

Of course, you practising magic had done you no justice. Every day you woke up, and were stared at for it. It was then when your father blamed you for his actions that they believed him, waiting for the moment they'd finally run you out of town.

So there you walked, aimlessly before deciding to go into the wilderness, best to keep them off your tracks despite there being dangers at every crevice in the woods.

Had you been prepared, you would have at least brought something to warm yourself. All you had was your robes, which you held close to your body to keep the warmth in.
If only you'd learned restoration and alteration, you would have been somewhere else than where you are right now.

Sitting down, you sighed, better to wait until morning. Holding out a hand you casted a temporary fire spell, using it to light up the area you had taken rest in. There was a cave nearby, it looked barren and empty, it could keep you warm and sheltered for the night, but you just weren't taking that risk if a bear was in it.

Shaking your head, you looked around some more. There was some sticks and pieces of bark around, the thought of a fire swirled in your mind before you acted on it.
Standing up, you began picking up what you would need, deciding on placing it somewhere away from the eerie cave nearby.

A small lake, you noticed, and an opening. A perfect place, you thought, before gingerly walking to the log there and dropping the wood.

Setting up, you finished and casted a flame spell again, bringing it closer to the pile of sticks and wood. Lingering for a minute before you pulled away, the fire began crackling and growing, a sign that it had worked. Sitting closer to the fire, your rubbed your arms.

The moon was up high in the sky by the time you had fully warmed, both the fire and moonlight lighting up the area you were in. You noticed some more sticks, to which you threw into the fire whenever it looked like it would die out.

Reaching for your bag, you pulled out a book and began reading, wanting to get your mind off of everything that's gone wrong in your life.

Conjuration. You realized, no wonder your father framed you. He probably thought you were delving deep into necromancy, despite the book being that of a 'summon flame atronauch'.

Footsteps could be heard, to which you stood up quickly and looked around, eyes landing on a cloaked figure.

They were tall, you noticed, and they were staring right at you. The robe they wore didn't reveal their face, it was then when it started speaking you realized that it was male.

"And what do we have here?" Raspy, cold sounding, taunting or curious? You couldn't decide, what you knew was that he was trying to speak to you, being that you were the only one, besides himself, in the area.

Taking a few steps back, careful to not step in the fire you poorly made, you asked, "who are you and what are you doing here?"

"Hm, I asked first." He avoided the question, narrowing his glowing eyes- wait, glowing? Realization kicked in, his eyes were a glowing shade of blue and purple mixed. It was seen under the hood. It would have looked mesmerizing, had he not intruded on your space.

"I will tell you who I am if you tell me your name." You bargained, clutching the book you still held in your hand.

He could only chuckle quietly in amusement, which only added to his horrifying aura. You felt the magicka around him, he may as well be powerful than you, which may have been obvious if you felt such power from him.

"I don't think you'd like to know." Again, hearing the amusement in his tone of voice wasn't doing much for your state. Everything about this male felt horrifying. "No. Do tell." You challenged, and if it were possible, you'd have felt the smirk he probably wore on his face right now.


Was all he had said, waiting for a reaction out of you, and luckily for him, you've heard of tales of the great necromancer king.

Taking a step back, stepping over the fire, you could only stare up at the altmer male in horror and shock.

"Yes, me."
Wanting to scare you a bit more, he took a step forward, and another. He walked with a grace you'd expect from anything other than death.

"And you are, dear?" He asked in a mocking way, almost how a vampire would to its prey. Seducing, calmly, daring, even.

Not wanting him any closer, you took more steps away from him, trying your best to distance yourself from him, but it'd seem he had taken it either as a challenge or an invitation, considering how closer he always seemed to be.

"[Name]." You told him, trying to stop your heart from racing, slowing your breaths to seem more calm than you really felt. 'You shouldn't be so afraid of him,' you kept thinking, 'but he is THE king of worms.' You argued with yourself, eyes trained on the figure who stopped a few feet in front of you.

"[Name], hm?" Your name coming out of his mouth shouldn't have sounded more welcoming and enticing, but you knew better than to fall for a worms game.

"Quite a lovely name." He mused, leaning down slightly to take a better look at your face, taking in every detail, every flaw, every thing that he was able to see. "Tell me, why does such a lovely person travel in the dead of night?" He began, "are they not aware of what danger wanders the wilderness at this time?"

"Yes. I am aware." You replied quickly, ignoring his teasing tone. "Then you are aware of the many predators lurking." You would have been offended, but the way he had suggest a predator may be lurking startled you a bit, making you wonder if he was talking about himself.

Then again, it also sounded like he was underestimating your capability to handle yourself, so you didn't answer him, watching him warily.

"What's this? Oh, a dark soul, I would presume." Swiftly, he pulled the book from your hands, reading the cover and detailing. "Dark secrets, maybe. Some things you'd want to keep undiscovered?" His eyes moved from the book he had taken from your hands to your face, holding the book in his hands without much grip, but enough so that you wouldn't be able to take it back.

An unsettling stare, you observed, almost daring you to take back the book. "That is none of your concern." You started, getting even more so nervous, a shaky laugh leaving past your lips, clenching your hands into fists at your side. No way in oblivion were you going to snatch it back.

Anyways, I'm gonna leave it there.
Nothing better than a cliffhanger.
Also quite unfinished, I mean, come on. Maybe a part 2 is in order.

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