𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐡 - 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐦 𝐈

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(Lmao vent)
(+/X - However you want it to be, be it platonic or romantic. Angst is the main theme though.)

Heavily, the rain poured. Not once missing anything untouched. Not even the person sitting, who stared blankly at the cloudy sky before them. Empty, that feeling like you want to do something but you feel so hopeless. That feeling you get when realizing you were too late. That feeling you get when the emptiness doesn't go away, leaving you as only a fragment of what you once were. Not giving a damn about what had transpired before, even the silence that followed.

Closing your eyes, you let the rain soak you to the bone, no longer careful of your surroundings.
Maybe this is what the gods had in stored for you, suffering for the salvation of millions of lives that depended on you to save everything. Suffering for a world who wouldn't bat an eye at you.


Laughing, the two of you joked some more. Never once loosing that smile that adorned both your faces, which were tinted pink.

Calming down after a few minutes of jesting, the two of you sat in complete silence, enjoying the presence of one another, almost as if the world never mattered.


Sighing bitterly, you open your darkened [E/C] eyes to take in the landscape.
Your only memory. Something that was left of him, something that made you believe he was still with you. But that was a lie you kept telling yourself, in truth, you were alone.

This vast plane of mortal life, you had nobody anymore. Not even those who'd dare call you their friend, when the true reality behind that was that they preferred popularity rather than loyalty.

Clenching your hands into a fist, you let your tears flow freely. In this moment, at this place, you could let yourself go. You can let yourself be free of the burden you carried around.
You were not the Hero of Kvatch, you weren't even the prisoner you once were.
At this moment, you were [Name], as you always were [Name].

You began remembering the days where Martin had to remind you that you were still a person, a living being, with emotions. The priest had brought you comfort without you ever knowing you truly needed it.
Maybe that's why you mourned, you missed the man who saved you from losing yourself.

I am not sorry. Yolo
Enjoy this junk, cause I deffo sucked this shit up.
Oh, wait, cheeeeese, y'all.

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