𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐫 - 𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐈𝐈

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-the little things-

(Alright, first title y'all. Fancy elf man😳 okay, no, anyways, why don't I write enough for this man???
Also, for a bit of accuracy, the reader will be a high elf but the features of reader won't be described as much. The reader will likely be a childhood friend. He also travels a lot due to being with the Thalmor, and this takes place waaay before the events of the Great War lmao)

Maybe it was the way you walked so elegantly? Or was it the way you held yourself together while in the presence of another?

My my, how you had always sent his mind into a frenzy. During his time at his homeland again, he had remembered a certain person he had once fancied, but thought nothing of the feeling.
However, they had once again resurfaced and you were the only person on his mind.

The way you talked, the sound of your voice and the way you knew what to say? Or the way you were always composed and never slacked in your posture? Or perhaps the way you found something interesting? Because, by the eight, if he wasn't already was falling, he'd have flew to the moon, in figure of speech.

You were perhaps the only one for him, which he thought occasionally, but shrugged it off quickly. He had business to do.

He didn't even know if you felt the same, the only clues he had were that way you focused your attention on him and him only when he was around, you never spared a glance to anyone. You talked to him all the time, and you never grew tired of it. He must admit, he was honoured to be paid attention to by you, of all people.

You praised him for his position, which had possibly made his ego slightly stronger, you talked freely while you were alone with him.
You let your true intentions be known without it really, and I mean really, being known so easily.

It was confusing for him, like an emotional roller coaster. You made him feel this way, and he didn't even know how. All you had to do was say something kind, or perhaps just smile? Be it in his direction or at something you find amusing.

(It's 11:11pm rn kdksk)

"Say, Ancano, didn't you have anybody in mind for the banquet?" Asked Ondolemar (I have a Hc shush.), who sat on the sofa.

The Altmer tensed, obviously not expecting such a question from his colleague.
"I'm safe to say you are. Is it that person you're always seen talking to while you're off work?" He questioned, seeing no harm in it after all.
"You'd better shut your mouth, Ondolemar." Ancano sneered, eyes narrowed at the other.
"Ah! So it is, I presume?" He pressed on, getting more curious. "I will not elaborate further." He dismissed the question, standing to leave the room.

"Ah, so you haven't even bothered asking them to be your date? Tch, quite the audacity to not ask such a fine person, don't you think?" Ondolemar smirked at the reaction he got out of his colleague, who in turn was tense when he walked out.

Part two?👀
So, I MIGHT like this.
Hope you enjoyed!:))

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