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(Just— enjoy, I guess - oh yeah, the Reader is going to be a Dark elf in this oneshot. Ooooh, and the plot line may look and feel different.)

/Dagoth Ur really be in your head lmao😳\
[Dagoth Ur / [Name] type of thing]

( / - implies that you can imagine it as whatever you'd like)

Whispers in the wind, you noted, calling out your name. A calling, a pull. No matter how much you ignored it, you couldn't. You wouldn't, you did not want to. Much to your dismay, the whispers became harsher, more demanding that you follow it. The dreams were the same, a calling. A pull, a random tug. It urged you to follow it. No matter what you thought or said, it merely whispered in the back of your mind.

You stared out the window, hoping to gaze at the stars in a serene atmosphere. '[Name]..'. Your breathing stopped, looking around and behind you, you saw nothing. Shaking off the sudden chills you had, you turned to look back outside into the ashy terrain. The same, boring and dull.

You wanted something, craved it. The sense of adventure was something you had always thought of doing, thought of achieving. But the sound of a calling, you couldn't risk it, being the risk could be you following the voice and finding yourself in a place of certain death.


"Hush, child," the voice whispered, feminine and different than the last voice; which was more masculine, "you are the chosen one." She spoke, almost commandingly but softly, as if a mother to a child. Suddenly, memories began flooding in your head, but they were not yours.

Jolting upwards, you noted you were still in the same horridly made bed, still in rags. Processing your last thought, the dream. It was odd, you must admit. Memories were all you remembered, as they have to be in order to understand how much you had gone through to get to where you are now. Figures in said memories were familiar, but you had not seen any of them. Suddenly, you remembered the voice. Soft and commanding, stern yet comforting. Chosen one. You let play through your head, what on nirn could the voice have meant?

The gears in your head turned, trying to understand what was happening.

A rattle at the bars made your brain stop working for a minute, quickly looking at the source, which stood a dunmer male.


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