𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 - 𝐩𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐱

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(Party-snacks need some love, y'all)
( / - platonic/romantic, again, it's however you want it to seem to be. Wanna smooch this dragon? Be my guest, I lowkey would as well...ignore that.)

Sighing softly, you sat on the snowy ground. Almost sensing your stress, the old dovah lowered his head to your level, "something bothers you, dovahkiin. Speak your mind." Paarthurnax spoke in dovazhul, his gaze softened at the sight of your slumped figure.

"Everything. Is. Annoying." You spoke loudly, "oh hey, I need you to do this for me and get paid only 100 septims!" You mocked, "Hey, why don't you try this and only get 10 septims!" You mocked once more, grumbling. "Every. Time." You rubbed your forehead, sighing loudly as if the world could hear your stress and annoyance, but alas, it could not. Only Paarthurnax could only hear, who had began thinking.

Just as the elder dragon was about to speak, you spoke up some more, "say, I need you to go up to that mountain and kill that dragon, no no no no, you cannot befriend it!" You grumbled, cursing Delphine for 'breaking' her oath. You threw your hands in the air, "I say no! And then she bans me from Sky Haven Temple, a temple I opened with my own dovah sos."

The elder dragon huffed in confusion, wondering who you were talking about. "Ohohoho, don't get me started on Miraak. That little nuisance keeps taking my dragon souls!" Paarthurnax perked up at the sudden name, having once been familiar with the former dragon priest. Paying no heed to the mention of dragon souls, he nudged for you to continue, seeing as it helped you calm down.

Sighing once more, "and then there are the Jarls. Ulfric is completely racist and refuses to even acknowledge the Dunmer, Argonians and Khajiit that are in need of his help. And then those who cower behind their titles, the only Jarl I find more reasonable would've been Jarl Balgruuf, who in my opinion, pays more attention to his city more than his kids! I mean, come on! Have some decency and bond with them for gods sakes'. Sure he has got a city to keep, but you can put that aside for at least an hour."

Huffing again, you laid on the snowy ground, staring up at the cloudy sky.
"I am so done with everything." You admitted, turning to look at the old dovah, who nodded in somewhat understanding.

Bookskjdksksks boogie.
Partysnacks, y'all, enjoy:))

Sooo, I'm not entirely in the TES fandom at all (oh my, how fast it has been)
And I MIGHT do an Assassin's Creed Oneshot book (it's a possibility.)

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