1𝐤 /𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐈𝐈/

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[1154 Words]
-I had fun while writing this in gym class, especially since I was supposed to write on the weekends where I had time and effort but like— 1K reads. Anyways, I thought I'd write for the very first character I wrote for: Mannimarco. What a silly lil worm guy. Enjoy:) (I am working on a different character for a different series atm but it'll take time.) he might be out of character! It was for the plot:} it's also not proofread so bear with me!

Yellow eyes moved from one word to another, trying to form a coherent thought as the book lay limply in his hands, his mind was elsewhere while his eyes remained glued to the book, skimming mindlessly through it as if it were a mere passing thing in his life.

Laughter sounded from a distance, his pointed ears picking up the sound of their lovely laugh. He looked up, slowly closing the book as a certain person made their way towards him, a smile gracing their face. Likely re-thinking about the joke they were told just recently, possibly from another Psijic student they'd made friends with. His stomach churned at the thought.

"Manni! I haven't seen you at all this week." They started speaking, sitting down next to him once they'd gotten closer. Mannimarco furrowed his brows, trying to gather the words to form a sentence.

"I was studying—" he started, only to be cut off mid sentence.

"—and yet, I could never find you in your dorm room, nor in the library." They remarked quickly, glaring playfully at the mer beside them.

Mannimarco sighed, moving his gaze from them to the ground, thinking cautiously, a small frown covering the lower half of his face. How exactly was he going to tell [Name]?

"Mannimarco?" They noticed, worry evident on their face, they opened their mouth to speak. "Is everything alright? Are you alright?"

Curse you, he thought, always worrying over little things. Though, he would admit, that was one of the reasons he'd caught feelings in the first place. "I've been excellent," he started, licking his lips nervously, a habit he's only now just picked up, "and as I've said before, I was studying. I tend to study in places more quieter where no one can interrupt me."

They nodded their head, their stare softening, waiting for him to continue.

"I also needed time to collect my thoughts." Confused, [Name] squinted their eyes.

"Collect your thoughts? For a whole week? It can't be that bad, can it?" His ear twitched, his eyes shifting from the floor to them, taking in every bit of their feature and committing it to his memory.

"I found them unbearable, truthfully." He muttered in annoyance, still trying to find the right moment and the right phrases to use.

[Name] still kept the same confusion, a form of urging him to continue on with his words. This was unlike him, they thought briefly, where was the arrogant altmer, the very-sure of himself Mannimarco?

"If one were to catch feelings for someone, how should they phrase it?" Asked he, who looked genuinely curious as to hear their input on this issue he's apparently been having problems with.

They blinked in surprise, shocked to hear the question come from him, they'd mostly assumed Vanus was going to ask them that question if he'd ever caught feelings for someone, which made it all the more..clear that something was definitely bothering the mer.

"I wouldn't know.." they started, moving their eyes away from Mannimarco to the floor, "I always wondered the same thing, if I were able to tell them, how I would do it if I could. I..I wouldn't know, honestly."

The altmer looked away for a moment before returning back to them, was that a hint of hurt in his eyes? No one would ever know as the look was gone just as it had appeared.

"Now, who has so easily ensnared your feelings that you asked lil' old me for help?" Their mood changed quickly, trying to divert the aura that was a mixture of yearning and pain. He blinked, confused. "What?"

"Tell me who it is and I might be able to help you."

"..quite oblivious.." he muttered quietly, making the person beside him furrow their brows.

"What was that?"
"Nothing, why do you want to help?"

They went silent, why did they want to help? They had harboured feelings for the altmer mage for the past few years, so why would they help him with his feelings he somewhat has for someone else? It was likely that they wanted to see who had caught his eye, who had made him all tingly and nervous, to see that someone who'd be worth his time and make him feel all those emotions of endearing sweetness.

"Just so I can see if they make you happy." They told him, a soft but bittersweet smile on their face as they stared at the altmer.

He hesitated before speaking, "it's someone you know very well." They frowned, they know plenty of people well enough.

"Ah, you see, sometimes people say personalities and features that distinguish a person. Can you do that, Manni?" He blinked, once, twice, three times. How could they be so gods damned oblivious?

He sighed, probably for the third time that day, who knows.

"Well then. They have a compassionate heart, one that looks out for others while following their own dream. And they're friendly, and smart, and like to read whenever they can." He paused, thinking of the person next to him, "and they love learning new things, in a way it makes their eyes shine bright with wonder. They have ambition, a mind that wants and takes what it knows it needs."

They stared at him, this sounded all too familiar.

He continued on with his description, not paying any mind to the person sat next to him, a look of awe paved it's way on their face. "—they have this way of knowing when somethings bad, or when somethings about to go wrong, or how they are very analytical and always know things when told...and the way they talk.." he let out a soft sigh, not like the previous ones, a content one. Something you'd never expect from him.

[Name] smiled, they have never seen him so worked up over one person, much less themself. "I'm sure they feel the same way you do about them, in fact, I'm very certain they do." He looked at them, "you knew."

They shook their head softly, a loving smile graced their lips and brightened their face, "I know now."

He looked at them, looking for any signs of deceit or anything else that was negative. He found none, so he hesitantly reached out for their hand, which they accepted.

All was well.
This lowkey turned out well:D

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