𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧 - 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐈

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[WARNING: Gore.]
(Me when Astrid:🙄🙄
Me when Lucien:🥴🥴)
<insert village name: place your character/self grew up in.>
[side note: this may be a two parter.]

Blood. That's all you saw, there was blood everywhere. On your hands, on the walls, on the floor and even on the ceiling. Panting, you wiped your forehead, wiping the sweat that formed when you were busy stabbing and slashing.

Sitting down on the floor, ignoring the corpses of those who'd wronged you, you whispered, "i regret nothing.." before getting back up and grabbing your belongings in a hurry, ridding yourself of the bloodied clothing you'd once adorned when committing the act.
Writing a note, the handwriting messy, you left. Leaving the place you once called home.
Why did you leave? Boredom. Tired of the absolute quietness and serenity. Tired of the chit-chat and common tales, even the walks were boring.

Your heart desired one thing, and you didn't notice you desired it until you began hearing whispers.
Soft whispers. 'Do it.' 'Blood.' 'We shall see red.'
It eased you when you did as they demanded, no longer hearing anything but a ringing. Quiet. You hated the silence. It made you uneasy. So here you are now, far away from home.

Now in an inn, you drank your ale/wine quietly, taking in your surroundings, listening to rumours and whatnot.

"Did you hear about that murder in [insert village name]?" A patron spoke, hushed but loud. "Of course I did, fool, news is everywhere. Hey, get closer." The other spoke, gesturing the other to come a bit closer. "I hear bandits raided the house and kidnapped the farmers kid."
"Impossible, there weren't any signs of bandits, I hear."

Zoning out of the conversation, you stood up and walked to your rented room.
Closing the door, you walked to the bed and plopped onto it, staring up at the ceiling.
'Blood.' A voice demanded, making you grimace. Not right now. 'We will see red.' Huffing, you turned on your side, shifting yourself under the covers. 'Blood. Blood. Blood.' It kept nipping at you, making you shut your eyes tighter.

Waking up, a voice spoke. "You sleep soundly for a murderer. That's good..you'll need a clear conscience for what I'm about to propose.."

That's how it started, you eased the voices, blood on your hands. It started out with murdering your family, who shouldn't have done you wrong; yet they did. And now, here you were.

Calmly, you laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling. No voices, nothing. More quietness. Unbearable, you thought, closing your eyes.

That night, he came back again. Told you everything and about the Dark Brotherhood, asking you to join, no, demanding. Unexpectedly, you accepted. 'To ease the voices.' You assured yourself.


Now here you were, years later. Proudly serving Sithis and the Blackhand.
Every thing was going smoothly, well, almost everything. It started out with a few subtle touches, maybe made eye contact whenever the two of you could.

He knew of your secret, the voices, yet he never told anyone. It made you wonder why.
However, it didn't make you wonder why you yearned, maybe even ached for him.
It was pure bliss and agony mixed together. Messing with your mind, if it weren't already messed up.
He had probably noticed as well, something stirring in his eyes every time you two gazed at one another from afar, pining for the other.
Jkjk I need to pass, ANYWAYS.
Hope you enjoyed(it took me HOURS to come up with this, lemme know what you think.)
<lowkey might've suck>

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