𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐬𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 - 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐲𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐈

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<The reader is male>
<This is either romantic/platonic. However you want, but I'm gonna face it, everyone wants a romantic thing with this guy.>

Walking. That's all you both ever did. Walking here? Okay. Walking all the way over there? Yeah sure, as long as we sleep.

He was tired, exhausted even. And he never gets exhausted! He even wondered how could you walk for miles on end, and not stop for a rest? What were you, invincible? ..don't answer that.

That didn't stop him from noticing the eye bags under your eyes, the constant sighing and yawning? Were you urging to him to make you stop and rest?
If you were, well, this would've been a surprise when you heard him mutter an "oh, that's it." And then getting shoved to sit onto a rock.

"You're sitting right there! No moving!" The Dunmer grumbled, going to collect firewood. Confused and tired, you shrugged. Staying put, as to not annoy the Dunmer. 
Honestly, you don't blame him. You made him walk for miles on end.

Nearly a few minutes later, he returned with firewood, mumbling incoherent phrases in Dunmeri.
He set it up, lighting it up with a spark of flame magic before sitting down on the grass. "That's so much better." He mumbled, relieved and satisfied that he was no longer on his legs and walking. Having enough of being silent, you speak up, questioning his ways.
"Why make me sit and stay put when you clearly needed help?" His helmet covered head turned towards you, making you wonder if you should regret what you asked.
"Don't question me. You have eye bags worse than the draugr you kill." Offended, you shook your head.
"Says you." You huffed out, crossing your legs and leaning on your arms. "Who said I was tire-" "your constant yawning." He blurted out before you could even finish, making you scowl.

You definitely weren't going to let him get away with this next time.
I AM ON A ROLL (might regret most oneshots I did, I dunno man)
I added one line, what. I'm questioning myself now. The wifi has been down and all I can do is read, write or draw. Send help.

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