𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐫 - 𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐈

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[Angst. ANGSTTT. Anyways. Brelyna - Reader x Ancano shit? YES.] (Edited)

The storm overseas had terrified you, at one point. It was the way the winds hit the walls that it made it seem like they would collapse, or the way the cold seeped into the college that you worried you'd freeze to death, or maybe it was the absolute idea that maybe, if the storm continued, silence would overcome it and that terrified you beyond repair.

A restless feeling settled in your being, so you looked around the arcanaeum for a book to read, at least, for something to take your mind off of the storm for a while, and most likely prepare yourself to venture out there when you needed to head back to your dorm.

Holding the book 'the Monomyth' in your hands, you then walked over to a chair out of Urag's view to read, which only lasted a few moments before you were disrupted by a new comer headed your way.

This, this was odd. The thalmor spy sat next to you, or, well, near you. An odd action of him, in all honesty. Then again, every now and then you got on his nerves and this seemed an open opportunity. Seeing as he had distracted himself in a book, having possibly finished his duties long before doing so.

Anyway, who were you to care? This certainly was some way to take your mind off the blazing snow storm outside, after all, no harm in it.

"Ah," you began, eyes no longer filled with paranoia, but more so with mischief, "what brings you to the Arcanaeum, Ancano?" Almost as if he was trying to ignore you, he shifted further away.
"Oh, come on, don't be like that." You started, voice having an amused sounding to it. "I can't be that bad of company, besides, it's late. Shouldn't you be resting? After all, don't most Altmer worry about their beauty sleep and health?" You asked, making the thalmor sigh before he directed his attention to you and away from the book he was reading.

"It's the evening, shouldn't you be studying for the test tomorrow, novice?" He shot back, albeit insultingly, ignoring your rather stereotypical question. Shrugging, you glanced at the book that was still open in your hands then back to him, closing the book in the process and placing it gingerly on your lap.

"Not at the moment, no. I have plenty of time before I do. After all, I do have until tomorrow afternoon." You admitted, eyes locked onto his, daring him to say more. "Is that a tint of purple there?" You raised a pointer finger, pointing to the area beneath his eyes. He tensed, but shrugged off your teasing.

"You jest, novice." He then turned his attention back to the book in his hands, you smirked.
"Do I, now? What a shocking discovery made by the ever so watchful advisor." Letting out a chortle at the pun you had made, you didn't fail to see him bite back a chuckle.

"Terrible pun for someone as terrible as you, I see."

"Funnier than any jokes you've ever let out, Ancano, do remember that."

"Hmph, I've made more jokes with any other than with any person in this place." He defended, turning a page.

"What ever floats your bubble, Ancano, what ever floats your bubble." By this point, you'd known you won this round, however you may wonder what challenge you had started. He was silent, trying but to no avail to make a comeback.

You had definitely won this round.

The bickering challenge had only continued on, of course, you being in the lead of it. Much to the dismay of the altmer you had continuously insulted or argued with, to which your classmates and even teachers were more than amused.

Someone had finally put the male in his place, or rather, downplayed every outrageous move he had always tried to make. No longer would he talk lowly of, or down on. You had directed his focus on you.

Still, it didn't make up for the fact that every time your gazes met, something inside was set aflame.

Despite him possibly hating your guts and your foolish bickering, there was always this tingling sensation in the pit of your stomach. It was possible someone else had noticed, that someone being a close friend.

She was confused and concerned; confused as to why you've continued your best to relentlessly annoy the advisor, she could see the change in both your eyes, the change from annoyance and mischief to admiration and adoration. And concerned, concerned of you not feeling for her the way she feels for you. By Azura, that destroyed her by thought alone.

Her heart ached whenever she saw the shared glances, the subtle smiles. Unnoticeable by the naked eye, but she had spent her every waking moment studying your very being that she would always notice. She would always pay you more mind than anyone would, 'anyone' would exclude the altmer you had focused your attention on.

She began seeing how you both always seemed to brush hands with another, the way he looked at you in the room and only you, almost as if you were from aetherious itself. Beautiful and majestic, to him and her.
She saw the way your eyes shone brighter every time he entered the room, or the way his gaze always searched for you, dimming when he could not see you.

She had seen things no one would ever, heard things you've both whispered to each other. Because you've talked about it to her. You've talked about him countless times, so many times, she would stay silent. She wanted to be happy for you, to be there to encourage you further. But how could she, really? How could she when you dearly ached for another, while her heart ached for you?

She wanted that, what you always talked about, with you. She wanted to build a life with you, to be there in your brightest moments, to be there in your darkest hours. But he would be, instead of her, because you loved him, you yearned for him, you wanted him and no one else. He had become your heart and soul, and you his.

"The heart is an arrow, 'Lyna," you had once spoken to her on one of your sleep overs, "it demands aim to land true."

It did indeed demanded aim to land true, and it chose him. While hers would always aim for you.


I made a reference to a book I love. If you spotted it, YES.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed.(my heart hurts. Brelyna, my beloved.)
—I hurt my heart re-writing this. Goddamn. See how much I've improved? Like WOW. The VIBES are immaculate. Depressing happy and nice, to everything sad, heartbreak and spice.

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