𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐈

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(E L V E S. Might do nords and imperials later idk.)

[Teldryn Sero]
"Were you really that drunk you nearly married a hag raven?"

Heaving a sigh, you ran a hand down your face. "Not this again.." you muttered, ignoring the shit eating grin your companion had on his face.

"Come on, it's hilarious if you think about it. The Dragonborn, so drunk that they nearly married a hag." Snickering, he took a long awaited swig of sujamma.

"Teldryn, I swear, if you bring it up ONE more time-" "or else what? Hm?" You glared, snatching the bottle from his hand and taking a sip.


"Yes. Why, hello." You greeted, a mock smile present on your face.

"At least don't drink all of it. Don't want you getting engaged to another hag raven, or even better, a giant." The dunmer warned, a slight tint of humour evident when he spoke.

"Bah, shut it." You quickly shut down, trying your best not to smile wide.


"Must you really drag me all over the place?" The Altmer sneered, trying to take his hand out of yours, to which you tightened your interlocked hands.

"Yes. Now shut, I'm trying to find a good place to watch the sunset." You told him, shaking your head slightly till your sight found a spot you thought was perfect.

"Well, aren't you a cheesy romanti-" before he could finish his sentence, a sudden pull cut him off.

Stopping at the sight, you turned to look at the Altmer, who's hair was slightly messy due to you running around all over the place trying to find a spot. "You alright there, Ancano?" You asked, to which he replied with a simple "what do you think?".

"What I think? I think you look fine." You hummed out, moving to sit down, "now sit. Before I decide to ruin your hair with a simple shock spell."

A huff was heard before the Altmer sat down, "you will do no such thing." He replied, to which you simply said, "you don't know if I will. I might, and could."

Shaking his head at your response, he turned to look at the now setting sun.
"Well, you certainly pick fairly good spots."
"I know. That's what makes me the best."
"Shut up, you like that."

(ᴀᴡᴏᴏɢᴀ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) this is a joke bear with me.)

Staring up at the moon, you failed to notice the sounds of footsteps nearing your location.

"Sentimental, are we?" A raspy voice spoke, making you spare a glance at the lich before looking at the moon again.
"No, just thinking." You admitted, voice quiet and lost.

Sighing softly, the necromancer sat down beside you on the ground, which was filled with fallen leaves and mud.
"And what exactly are your thoughts?" He asked, seemingly out of it.
"Are you really Mannimarco? That seems so odd of him to do." You avoided the question, only now curious at what was happening. Now looking at him, you noticed how he seemed to have a scowl on his face.

"Genuinely, Manni, but you asking what my thoughts are seems kinda weird for you," you began speaking again, "even when my thoughts consist of what skin care routine you have going on."

"..." the aldmer looked at you with a blank expression, making you chuckle nervously.
"Lichdom is an odd way for a skincare routine, or however you call it, but it's sufficient."

"Pff- wait. You actually—" bursting out into fits of laughter, you leaned back and clutched your stomach.
"And here I thought you used actually products—!"

[Vanus Galerion]
(I have an angst in the drafts for this guy:))

Playing with a flame spell, you read the book in your hands. It was interesting, the plot was nice and very well thought of, and the bonus of it was that it was emotionally damaging. (a/n: I only speak the truth.)

"Dear, what on nirn are you doing?"

"Nervously waiting for the climax of this story." You responded, eyes skimming the words of each page.
"And by that, you mean play with a destruction spell while holding..a flammable object?" Vanus raised a brow at your actions, to which you close your hand to stop the flames that you kept summoning.

"No." You responded quickly, eyes now trained onto the guildmaster. "Shouldn't you be doing things..things a guildmaster is supposed to do?" You asked him, confused on why he was in your shared courtiers at this time.

He, too was confused, mostly due to the question you had asked.
"I finished my duty's an hour ago, and it's nearly midnight, how long have you been reading?" He furrowed his brows, "divines, did you even eat at all today?"

"Wait. That's how long I've been here?! Getting my heart broken by this sad book?!" You closed shut the book you held, moving to stand only to lose balance before Vanus steadied you.

"Divines, [Name].." the altmer helped you sit down, shaking his head, "how do you lose track of time?"

"Didn't I just say something about a book?" You replied to his question, making him roll his eyes at your comment.

[Knight-Paladin Gelebor]

"Remind again, why are we doing this?" You asked the snow elf, following him onto the chapel balcony.

"It's nearly sunrise." He responded short, going up the stairs where the view would be better.

"But I'm sleepy." You yawned, "can we just go back to bed?" You asked him, making him sigh.
"We can go back to bed after watching the sunrise, right now, I want you to see what the vale looks like at this hour." He explained, squeezing your hand gently.

Looking up at him, his gaze gentle and peaceful, you nodded softly at his words.

"Alright, alright, but after this we're going back to sleep." You told him, making him smile at your words.
"I assure you, you have my word."

Walking up to the circular railings, you placed your hands onto the cold stone, feeling his hand slip into yours. Together, you stared at the now rising sun, feeling the warmth it brought you both. Marvelling at the sight of the vale during dawn, you felt you never wanted to remove your eyes of this sight.

He stared at the rising sun as well, but only for a short minute, before he turned to look at you, the awestruck expression on your face made his lips purse up, admiring the morning suns glow that lightened up your features.

"It's beautiful, Gelebor.." you muttered, eyes practically glowing at this mystical sight.

"It is." He replied, but he wasn't talking about the suns morning glow.

(I feel like I forgot some characters, B U T I wanted to post this today, because I feel if I forget this, I wouldn't get it posted done today.
Just, tell me which characters I missed and I'll see if I can add 'em to this:) )

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