𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬 - 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐨 𝐈𝐈

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(Eyyyy Macarena. Anyways. If I re-wrote the first part of this, then I might as well.) [Edited]

Still, the way his eyes looked to you was unreal, unlikely, had probably seen so many things it seemed he had lived for ages. He moved with a wraith-like grace, almost as if he never made contact with the ground. Defying gravity like he defied death, in a sense.

He smirked, once more, how you knew would remain a mystery. His eyes held a playful tint, almost like a lion taking care of a deer before eating it. Playing with your life. The worms game was something you'd made up, admittedly at this very moment. The necromancer hummed in thought, wondering what to do with you.
"Would you like to know what is my concern?" The king of worms mused, hands still clutching the book you had once held. "This isn't the only conjuration book you've read, is it?"

Hesitantly, you shook your head, which made him ponder what he should do with you now that he knew you had learned other spells similar to his practice.

"And yet...you have not practiced it, but only read it. Why is that, little deer?" Fitting, this game was likely going to be your last.

Finding your voice, you spoke, "my father had books lying around, too many that he wouldn't notice any missing." You admitted, only now realizing had you not walked in on your father performing a spell on your mother, you would have been next.
Though the practice of it had fascinated you once, you feared what the necromancer before you would say next.
"Hm, you seemed like the type," he mused once more, "which makes you a runaway, if I'm correct?" A shake of your head. "Ah, a wanderer?" Another shake of your head, he hmph'd. "Likely a criminal, then."

"Framed, not a criminal." You defended quickly, which made him chuckle. "Defending your honour, I see." He teased, a taunting look in his eyes. Looking down at the book in his hands, he returned the tome to you, which you quickly grabbed from his grasp, merely brushing your hand against his, and it frightened you, it felt cold, almost like a corpse, almost as if he had never been warm in years.

His amusement shone higher, the way you had reacted made it so, "cat got your tongue, little deer?" A deer caught in a worms game, how odd this had turned out.

"No." You defected his question, making him nod, or what seemed like a nod, you couldn't tell by the hood he wore.
"Still, what confuses me is your appearance. I've seen you somewhere but I can't quite place my mind on it." Confused, your furrowed your brows in question, eyes betraying what you tried to hide. Fear.

"And where have you seen me before?" You asked, only now noticing how the moonlight lit up half of his face under the hood. Pale skin, possibly cold to touch. You'd wondered what he looked like if he took off the hood.

"Ah, now I remember," being shaken out of your thoughts, you waited for him to continue, "in a dream. You weren't particularly doing anything, aside from your soul being taken." His voice was very well tone with a certain wickedness to his joke, terrible and horrifying as it was.

Gulping quietly, you knew now he had lied about seeing you somewhere, only wanting to scare you further.

I said screw it, and decided to make this a small series. (Mostly because I should be sleeping whenever I have these ideas)

ANYWAYS. Hope you enjoyed, quote en quote, this "goth banana elf",(I am lurkingggg)

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