𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 - 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐞𝐮𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐚

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-do..don't question this..-

There were days where everything was silent.

And as of late, those were the days you have lived to see. Everything became too tiring to work through, making your way up into the world piece by piece where greed was the peoples only god. Sometimes there were moments where a good one would shine through the mess of it all, but it would only be for a movement before they disappeared into the cracks again.

Riften would not change.

You'd long for the air beyond its walls, you desperately grasped for the glimpse of adventure. "follow it.." a voice in the back of your head had urged one night, understanding of your desire.

Oh, how you'd wanted to cave in and leave Riften for years, ever since you had woken up in the hands of Mjoll, confused and having no recollection of who you were and what you did.

You had dreams at night, always ending the same way.
A masked silhouette would stand in the far distance, and when you tried getting closer, he would vanish. Then you would wake up, mostly in a cold sweat.

A part of you wanted to find out who this mysterious man was, another part never wanted to sleep again.
Still, it all must've connected in some way. You theorized every possible way it did.

First, the callings. The urge to disappear and leave everything behind was always on your mind. It made you paranoid to a point you couldn't just simply leave for the sense of adventure you seek for. Then the dreams, forever a cloudy vision in your mind as you were lulled into a comatose state.

And the people..the way they all looked at you as if you were something to be gawked at, someone once stared at you as if you were some forgotten, long lost memory.

You wondered if you had made a name for yourself before you ended like this, before you lost everything that made you a person.

You often mused what that must feel like for other people, seeing someone so familiar yet so unfamiliar.

You just wanted find yourself again. And you felt only one person could help you, if you could remember them.


There it was again, that same dream, you grew agitated that you didn't have a different one this time, having had this dream since you woke up. It was quite easy to grow annoyed and tired of this same cycle.

You looked around, eyebrows furrowing when you didn't see a silhouette in the distance like you used to. Something felt off. You turned another way, nada. No one was in sight. No one was here, but you.

Seconds later, you realize the area that you're in. There were books everywhere, stacked in unusual places and forms. Some even went as high as a wall, which made you question, what is this place?

Soon, a deep resonating chuckle is heard from every direction, instead of looking around you, your own eyes landed on multiple. Then darkness surrounded you.

You awake with a startle, sitting upright in the spare bed Mjoll offered, sweat coated your brow but that didn't matter. Who-or what- was that? It had eyes everywhere, it then only occurred to you that instead of a man, it was an abyss with multiple tentacles swaying around. (-NO.)

What on Nirn was happening? What did this man and abyss have in common? What was anything at this point?

You inhaled slowly, trying to regain your senses. It will be dealt with in the following day, you promised yourself, trying to keep a steady mind.

But how wrong you really where.

When you laid back down, all you could do was toss and turn. Shutting your eyes and reopening them when you couldn't fall back asleep. Frustration began building up, making you nearly scream as you huffed. Your arms stayed at your side as you gazed up at the ceiling, a scowl evident on your dimly lit face. The fireplace surely would've burned out by now.

I don't do part twos.

Jk, I need inspiration and I'm currently at a school concert. Hopefully it doesn't drain me completely.

I also love cliffhangers. I don't even know what this is.
Tentacle por?— Moonah
I'll write more when it's Christmas break..probably.
I find that thing very annoying where I save a draft and it re-uploads the first freaking page(?) of this book.

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