𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐄𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 - 𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐮𝐢𝐧

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( /  - Whatever you want to interpret it as, if you wanna smooch the dragon go right ahead, if y'all want a platonic/friendly bickering, you're free to do that.)

Huffing, you planted yourself onto the earthy ground, crossing your arms as if you were a child, which in a way, you were to the elder dragon.
He looked down at you amused, his ruby coloured eyes shining with something, a mischievous look.

Alduin let out a low growl, urging you to talk back, which made you frustrated.
"Stop that, you big worm!" You scowled deeply, waving your hand as if you were dismissing him. This had only made him more amused, entertained, he lowered his head to your level, making you give the dragon a raspberry.

He let out a laugh, which sounded more like a roar to you.

Staying you where you are, you glared heavily at the world-eater as he mused deeply at your inconvenience.

What was the inconvenience, you may be thinking, well, you were covered in mud, head to toe. Alduin had thought it'd be funny if he dropped you, though from a low height, into a muddy swamp. Much to your annoyance, really, it was funny to the dragon.
Grumbling still, you wiped your face with your muddy hand, thinking before throwing some of the excess onto Alduin, who had closed his eyes.

He growled lowly once more, opening them as mud dripped down the scales on his snout.
"Funny isn't it, Elder one?" You asked, snickering. He breathed out, a bit of smoke coming out of his nostrils, almost like a huff.

"Do not tempt me to do it again, young one." He challenged in dovazul, narrowing his eyes at you.
Rolling your eyes, you once more threw mud at the elder dragons face, revenge, you thought, for dropping me in mud.

He let out another puff of smoke, flapping his wings until he was flying, at a low level that is.

Realizing what was happening, you sighed. Dammit.

Nyahahhaha enjoy<33
I'm in class rn lmao, near the end of the period. This is so fun.

Like I said before in the very first page, I'm up for requests, so uh, just message me and I'll see what I can do.

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