Agent topaz and agent blossom

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Toni POV:
"She has been off the grid for months who knows where she is now"Jughead says.

"She's my partner Jughead I can't just let her go like that"I say.

"You know after a few days the agency won't continue looking she is off on her own"he says.

"I have to find her"I say.

"You aren't doing this because she's your partner you are doing this because you are in love with her"he says.

"What is it to you"I ask.

"It doesn't matter go find your little girlfriend"he says.

"Whatever"I say and walk out. I get in my car and drive. I don't stop until I find her. I haven't been successful though. My phone rings so I pick it up.

"Hello"I answer.

"Toni find me"Cheryl says then the line goes dead.

"Cheryl"I say and try to call the number back. The number goes straight to voicemail.

"Shit" I sigh. I go to Cheryl's house. I knock on the door and her girlfriend opens the door.

"Antoinette"heather says.

"Heather"I huff.

"Why are you here"she asks.

"Is Cheryl here"I ask.

"No actually she hasn't been here for a few months she was supposed to be home months ago"she says.

"Can I come in and have a look around"i ask.

"I guess"she says. I walk in and look around for anything. I found things like her journal and reports from other missions. I leave and head back home. I look through her journal reading every page. There was stuff from joining the agency to before she left for her mission. I decided to read when she joined the agency.

Dear self,
Today is the first day of being a secret agent. It was great. I met so many new people and made new friends. Someone who really caught my eye was agent topaz. Her pretty bubblegum pink hair. Her tan skin. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I can't do anything though because I have heather. I love her but she gets on my nerves sometimes. I even think she's cheating on me but I don't know. Even if I wasn't with heather I don't think agent topaz would want me. I mean agent Jones stares me down every time I look at her. That's either her boyfriend or something I don't know. Well that's it bye.

I smile a bit then go to the last one she wrote which was right before she left on her mission.

Dear self,
Today I go on a dangerous mission. I don't know how it will turn out but I hope I make it back. I am going to the lair of El Dorado. He is a super dangerous guy who is building a machine to take out every cell network in the world. I hope I am prepared for this.

I close the journal. "El Dorado"I say and get back in my car. I drive to the lair and search around.

"You won't ever get away with this Dorado"I hear her say. I see her tied to a dolly.

"Who is gonna stop me huh agent blossom nobody now that my machine has been perfected I will start what I set out to do take her away"he says. I watch as they roll her away. I follow it and stay hidden. When they leave I go to the door. There is a keypad. I pull off the cover and pull wires. The door opens and she sighs.

"If you are going to take me out do it already"she sighs.

"Like on a date"I ask and she looks up.

"Topaz"she says and I smile. I walk over to her and unlock the locks. She gets off the dolly and picks me up spinning me around.

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