Agent topaz and agent blossom pt 2

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Months later
Toni POV:
It's been some months. I haven't seen Cheryl since she left. I'm sitting here with a sleeping Audrey when the door opens. I look up and see Cheryl.

"Cher" I say and she looks over.

"Hey"she says closing the door.

"How was the mission" I ask laying the sleeping girl on the couch.

"It was hard but I made it back"she says and she hugs me. I hug back and sigh.

"I'm so glad you are okay" I say.

"I'm so glad I'm okay how has she been"she asks and I lay my head on her chest.

"She wasn't okay the first few weeks but then she settled later on" I shrug.

"That's good"she says.

"Thank you so much babe you are the best like my guardian angel" she says and pecks my lips.

"You're welcome baby" I say.

"How long has she been asleep I missed my little princess" she asks.

"Actually for an hour or so I was just moving her from the floor to the couch" I say. She nods taking her jacket off. I look at my phone and see a text from fangs.

"Babe I'll be back later my brother needs me"I say and she nods. I grab my stuff and go back home.

Cheryl POV:
I walked over to Audrey and kneeled down next to her.

"Princess"I whispered running my fingers through her soft hair. She turns her head and sighs.

"Audrey"I say and she slowly opens her eyes.

"Daddy"she says and tiredly smiles.

"Hey princess"I say and she gets up. She hugs me and I hug her back.

"I missed you so much"I say.

"I missed you too"she says and buries her face in my neck.

"How was your sleep"I ask.

"Good"she says.

"That's good"I say.

"You stay forever now"she asks.

"Not forever I still have to work so I can get you new dolls and clothes" I say and she nods.

"Where Toni go"she asks.

"Toni went back home she said she will be back later"I say and she nods.

"How about we get into our pajamas and watch movies while eating candy"I ask.

"Can we have pizza and popcorn too"she asks.

"Yeah"I say and she runs to her room. I smile and sigh. I order the pizza and put the popcorn in the microwave. I go upstairs and put my pajamas on. I go back downstairs and put the candy in a bowl and the popcorn in another bowl. I put on Netflix and Audrey jumps into my lap.

"What movie should we watch"I ask.

"Princess and the frog"she says.

"Okay"I say putting it on. The doorbell rings so I get up. I go over and see it's the pizza guy.

"Thank you"I say and he nods walking away.

"Hey babe"I hear behind me. I turn around and see Toni.

"How did you get in here"I ask.

"I'm a spy babe come on but in all seriousness tho I just slipped past you when you opened the door I'm slick like that"she says and I smile shaking my head.

"Wanna join us we are watching princess and the frog"I say.

"Yeah"she says. We go over to the couch and Audrey looks up.

"Toni"she says jumping off the couch.

"Hey"Toni giggled. We all sit down and start to watch the movie.

"Tiana is Toni"Audrey says.

"Why do you say that" I ask and she gets up. She goes to her drawing table and pulls a picture from the table. She sits back in my lap and shows me the picture. On the paper is me her and Toni.

"Me I don't have one yet but daddy you Merida and Toni Tiana it look like you"she says.

"And what about you maybe Ariel"I say and she giggles.

"Your favorite color is green too"I say.

"I Ariel"she says and I nod. We look at Toni who is into the movie.

"Babe"I say and she tears her eyes from the screen. I peck her lips and she smiles. Audrey sits between us and holds our hand. We go back to watching the movie and that was it for the night. We fell asleep on the couch.

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