Can we try again? For her

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Cheryl POV:
"Boss you have a visitor"fangs says opening the door and my 5 year old daughter Elaina pokes her head in.

"Let her in"I say.

"Daddy"she squeals running to me.

"Hi princess how you been"I ask hugging her.

"Good"she says.

Me and Toni divorced a year ago. So it's been her living with Toni and comes to see me every other weekend or when she wants too.

"Where is mommy"I ask sitting her in my lap.

"She's coming"she says.

"Toni's here"fangs says letting Toni walk in.

"Hey"she says putting Elaina's bag down.

"Hey" I say.

"Mommy got new boyfriend"Elaina says.

"Really"I ask and she nods.

"What's he like"I ask.

"Cheryl"Toni says.

"Well he nice he wears what you wear every day but he doesn't play with me tho it's okay I my own woman"Elaina says putting her hands on her hips.

"That's right princess"I say tickling her and she giggles.

"I have to go"Toni says.

"Laina go to uncle fangs I have to talk to mommy"I say putting the 5 year old down and she nods.

She leaves closing the door behind her. I look at Toni but she doesn't look at me.

"Can you explain to me again why we divorced"I ask.

"Cheryl" she says.

"No like I want to know what I did that made you want a divorce"I say.

"Cheryl I've been kidnapped threatened held against my will and other things because I was with you I don't want that anymore I want to be free I want to be able to walk around without being knocked out and waking up in a warehouse for a ransom don't you get that"she asks.

"I'm sorry"I say standing up.

"I'm sorry you have to go through all that dealing with me but I'm in too deep and if I leave now it will be the end and I don't want you and laina standing in front of my gravestone"I say and gently grab her face.

"But I can't lie and tell you I don't love you because I do I love you so much and I didn't say I do just to split"I say and she leans into my touch.

"I love you too"she whispered.

"So let's try again"I say.

"What"she asks.

"Can we try again for her"I ask.

"Yeah"she says and I smile.

I pull her into a kiss and hug her.

"I love you Cher and I'm so sorry"she says into my chest.

"I love you too baby I'm sorry as well"I say.

She pull from the hug.

"I really do have to go though" she says and I nod.

She pecks my lips and walks out. I sit back in my chair and sigh.

"Bye mommy"Elaina says walking back in. She closes the door and comes over to me.

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