After lunch fun pt2

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Toni POV:
It's been a while and it's a month before the wedding. I'm in the bathroom brushing my hair in the mirror. "Babe are you okay you look stressed"Cheryl asks hugging me from behind. "Yeah I'm fine"I say and she just looks at me. "Okay no I'm not I'm freaking out our wedding is literally in a month"I say turning to her and she smiles. "I know right I'm excited the love of my life finally becomes my lawfully wedded soulmate" she says and I can see the sparkle in her eye. "I'm afraid that I'll mess something up or something is wrong that I did I don't want to ruin anything"I say looking down.             

"Baby listen to me"she says raising my head. "Everything will be fine don't worry and if it doesn't come out fine I'm with you 100 percent of the time like I always said in college I'm your ride or die I'm your guard dog no matter what happens I'll always be there for you and to protect you"she says and I nod. "I love you" I say and she smiles. "I love you too"she says and pecks my lips. "Now can I see your dress"she asks. "No baby you cannot see my dress you have to wait"I say. "But I don't wanna"she whines and I laugh. "Well too bad"I say and walk to my bed. I lay in the bed and sigh.

As I'm laying there I feel Cheryl's hands going up my back. "Whatcha doin babe"I ask. "Massage just thought you could use one"she says. "Okay then"I say. By time Cheryl was halfway through the massage I was almost knocked out. "Hey babe what is the color of your dress" she asks. "It's y-"I paused right there. "You are trying to sabotage me"I say and she just laughs. "You tried to manipulate me"I gasp.

She only laughs more. "How could you"I say. "Had to try"she says and kisses my head. "I can't believe you tried that"I say. "I apologize go to sleep you look tired"she says and I definitely do.

Hours later
I wake up to Cheryl playing the game and going off. Like she was just going at it. Ever curse word in the book came out of her mouth.

Half the words she was saying I didn't even know existed. "Cheryl"I say and she turns to me. "The hell is wrong with you" I ask. "I just lost 300 dollars because your brother thought it was a bright idea to challenge me in fortnite knowing I only play call of duty and everything other than that game then he played me"she says and I roll my eyes. "Babe chill it's 300 dollars I'll repay you on his behalf"I say. "Nah it's cool I'll just go meditate while he reflects on his actions"she says yelling the last few words into the mic.

She cuts off everything and sits on the floor. I sit on the floor with her and hold her hands. We meditated for a bit. "You alright now"I ask and she nods. "Good because I want a kiss" I say and she laughs a bit. We kiss and she pulls me into her lap. "I can't wait for the wedding it'll be so much fun"she says.

Before I could say anything the doorbell rings. I get up and go to it. When I open the door there stands a little auburn haired girl. "Hi sweetheart what's your name"I ask. "C-Crystal"she says looking down. "Where are your parents"I ask.

She hands me a picture. "I ran away because mommy was hurting me"she says wiping a fallen tear. I look at the picture and what I saw made my heart drop. A picture of Cheryl and another girl.

"Cheryl"I say and she comes running down the stairs. "What's up what's wrong did I do something"she asks frantically then looks at the girl. "Whose the kid"she asks. "Sweetheart who are these people"I ask showing the little girl the picture. "That's mommy and mommy says that lady with her is my dad"she says.

Cheryl looks at me confused and I give her the picture. "Holy crap"she says under her breath. I bring the girl inside and she only has a backpack. I close the door and look at Cheryl. "Baby this is not what it looks like I know this girl but I don't know the kid I swear to you on my life I didn't cheat"she says just looking at her I could tell she wasn't lying.

"Who's the girl"I ask. "She was a girl I use to mess around with in high school then we ended it a month before college started because she didn't want to be with me anymore I've never spoken to her again"she says and I sigh. "Wait is the girl mine"she asks me. "I don't know"I say.

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