Prom fiasco

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Vanessa POV:
I am standing at my locker waiting for my friends.

"Hey nessa"cami says.

"Hey"I say.

"Where's everyone else"she asks.

"I don't know"I shrug.

"We are here"Madelaine says as the rest of them walk in.

"Cool so we are doing a project for lili's birthday"I say and as I'm talking I feel two sets of eyes on me. I look and see Madelaine with the most loving look and Jasmine with an annoyed look.

"Lili's favorite color is yellow we could do like a sunny vibe"cami says.

"Yeah and since lili won't be back until tomorrow night and her birthday is the day after we could do it then"I say.

"Yeah summer vibe party"Mads says and I nod.

"Okay then that's settles"I say.

"Guys prom is coming up who are you going with"cami asks.

"No one hopefully someone asks me"I say.

"I'm going with Charles"she says.

"I know lili is going with Cole"I say.

"I have someone in mind who I want to ask"Mads says.

"I don't have anyone to go with"Jasmine says.

"Well then find your dates because it's soon"cami says.

"Hey Vanessa"I hear. I look up and see Micheal.

"Hey Michael what's up"I ask.

"I know we split but since we are still on good terms I was wondering if you would go to prom with me"he says. Before I could answer cami and Mads stepped up.

"Actually she's going with someone already"cami says.

"Yeah and would look so much better with them than you"Mads says.

"O-oh I didn't know you already were going I'm sorry see you later"he says and walks away. I look at the two in disbelief.

"How could you do that I wanted to say yes"I say.

"You can't possibly be going be going with tuna fish salad can you"cami asks.

"Yeah after all that crying on my shoulder you did I hope that's a damn joke"Mads says.

"You guys can't tell me who I can and can't go with this is my life and you are just in it"I say and go after Micheal.

Madelaine POV:
I really can't believe she's going to say yes to Micheal. I really wanted to ask her.

"I'm sorry Mads I know how much you liked her"cami whispered so Jasmine wouldn't hear.

"It's fine I don't care I'll just ask Jasmine"I say.

"Are you sure that's a good idea"she asks.

"Yeah"I say and she nods.

"Hey Jas"I say and she looks at me.

"Would you maybe was to go to prom with me" I ask and she smiles.

"Yeah of course"she says and I nod with a smile.

"Okay bet text me when you get home"I say and she nods. The bell rings and we go our separate ways. Cami walks with me.

"Let's hope this isn't a bad idea"she says. Soon it's after school and we are all hanging out in the front.

"Charles said our color will be purple I'm excited"cami says.

"Purple suits you both"I say.

"What about you nessa"she asks.

"Oh Micheal and I chose baby blue since it's my favorite color"she says.

"That would be cute"cami says.

"What about you Cher"cami asks.

"Red and Pink since jasmine's favorite color is pink and mine is red"I say as Jasmine sits in front of me.

"You are going with Jasmine"nessa asks.

"Yeah I asked her earlier" I say.

"Why didn't you tell me"she asks.

"I didn't know I was required to tell you"I say.

"You could have at least mentioned it"she says.

"I don't have to mention anything" I say and get up. I get into my car and drive home. I go in and go to my room. I lay in bed and sigh. As I'm laying there my phone goes off non stop. I look and see it's messages from Vanessa that are just coming and coming telling me to come back and talk to her and stuff like that. I ignored them all. I didn't get up from my bed I just laid there never wanting to leave.

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