After Lunch fun pt3

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The next day
Toni POV:
I wake up to no Cheryl. I see it's 6:30 am. I get up and go to Crystal's room but she isn't in there either. Though Crystal was up. "Morning"she says. "Good morning what are you doing up"I ask and she just shrugs. "Well do you know where your dad is"I ask but she shakes her head. She gets up and we look around the house. "Her office"I say and go to her office door. I knock but got no answer.

I slowly open the door and see her asleep. Head on the desk, one arm hanging, and papers everywhere. "Baby"I say gently shaking her. She sits up and looks down at the desk. "What time is it"she asks. "6:50"I say looking at my phone. She gathers all the papers and starts to work on them. "Baby what's all this"I ask. "The papers from my dad"she yawns. "I got more than half the stack done I can do this"she says.

She soon gets finished and it's 7:05. "Alright go get ready for work I'll clean everything up"I say and she nods getting up. She walks out and I look at the papers. Some were papers about the wedding like official invites and people arrangements then the rest was about the rum she started making.

I put everything into her briefcase and take it to the living room. "You find daddy"Crystal asks. "Yeah she's getting ready"I say and she nods. "What we do today"she asks. "Well I was thinking we go shopping for us some new clothes because it looks like you are staying for a long time"I say and she smiles. "Yay"she says. "Hey babe did you take my case"Cheryl asks coming downstairs. "Yeah its right here"I say.

She grabs it and I peck her lips. "Do good at your meeting"I say. "Fingers crossed"she says. She kneels down to Crystal. "Be good and have fun"she says as they hug. "You too"Crystal says. "I wish"Cheryl chuckled. Cheryl leaves and we go get ready. When we get done I put her into the car. I drive to the mall and we go inside.

We shopped around getting some stuff for her. As the day started to pass by we've been to the mall, Walmart, and some more shoe stores. We get home around 5. We walk in and Cheryl looks up from her work. "Hey you two" she says. "Hi daddy"Crystal says hugging her. "Hi princess"Cheryl says picking Crystal up. "You need help"she asks. "Yes please I'll bring everything in can you take them all up to the room Crystal is in"I ask and she nods.

I go back outside and get all the bags in the house. The few snacks we got I put it in the kitchen cabinets. "Alright everything is in the room"Cheryl says walking to me. "Thank you"I say and she pecks my lips. "I'm guessing you guys had fun"she says.

"Yeah how was the meeting"I ask. "It went fine everything went smoothly by tomorrow I'll have a new flavor made"she says and I nod. "When do you go back to work because I'm off for the next week"she says. "I go back Monday"I say and she nods. "Daddy"Crystal calls from upstairs. "I'm gonna make dinner"I say. "No I'll order pizza you've been on your feet all day"she says and I nod. I sit down on the couch.

Cheryl POV:
Me and Crystal are upstairs putting her clothes in the closet. "Can I ask you a question"I ask and she looks at me. "Before you left your mom what was she doing"I ask. She looks down at her fingers. I kneel down to her and she looks at me. "I got snack when I not supposed to and she upset"she says and started to tear up.

"She got belt but I grab backpack and left"she says and I sigh. "Look okay you can get snacks here anytime you want just come get me I promise you that me nor Toni will do anything to hurt you" I say and she nods. I hug her and kiss her head. "I'm gonna get some pizza so when we get done you can go with me to pick it up"I say and she nods.

We finish putting her clothes up and go downstairs. "Ay babe me and Crystal about to go get pizza you wanna come or you good"I ask. "I'm okay be safe get her car seat out of my car"she says. "We will"I say and peck her lips. We get into the car. My phone rings. "What's up"I answer. "Get that car seat cause I know you ain't get it"Toni says and I sigh. "Fine"I say.

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