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4 months later
Toni POV:
I am 4 months pregnant and Cheryl and my mom have been very helpful. Right now I'm in my last class and I'm waiting on the bell to ring. "Damn Toni you've gotten fat"Cameron says to me with a girl under his arm. "Leave me alone"I say. "I'm just saying you look like your jeans will pop any second"he says and I look down. "Hey"I hear and look up. There stood Cheryl upset. "Cheryl"I say and shake my head. "Leave her alone dickhead she doesn't need your two cents"she says. "Oh you got a senior to fight your battles for you now"he asks. "Stop"I say. "I'm glad I left you who knew you were so pathetic"he says causing tears to form in my eyes. "Say something else I dare you"I hear Cheryl say. "Or what pussy"he says. "Hey"the teacher yells. "Both of you sit down now"she says. "Fuck all that I'm out of here"Cheryl says and walks out. I get up and go after her. "Cheryl" I say and she looks at me. Her face softens and she sighs. "I'm sorry" she says. "It's alright but chill I can handle myself" I say. "But i just felt like I had to"she says. "Why" I ask. "Because I like you"she says and I look at her. She gets closer and grabs my hands. "I've liked you for a while now I just didn't know how to tell you"she says. Before she said another word I kissed her. I slowly pulled away and looked at her. "I like you too" I say. "I'm gonna take you home"she says and I nod. We go to her car and she takes me home. We go in and sit on the couch. Cheryl was holding my hand and I didn't mind. My mom came down and noticed it. "Holding hands I see"she says and I look down with a shy smile. "I knew it would happen" she says. "Hush mom"I say. "You ready for your appointment"she asks. "Yeah"I say. I get up and pull Cheryl up with me. "You are coming too" I say. "I mean sure I haven't seen my cousin in a while"she says. "Good let's go"I say. We get into the car and go to the clinic. When we go in my name is called and we head to Charolette's room. "Char"Cheryl says. "Hey Cher how are you"Charolette asks as they hug. "I'm good graduating soon"Cheryl shrugs. "How about you Toni how are you feeling"she asks. "Exhausted"I say and sit on the bed. "How so"she asks. "School carrying this belly it's a lot"I say and she nods. "Well I see the belly is getting bigger about time to know the gender you ready"she asks as she spreads the goo on my stomach. "Yeah I'm excited personally I hope it's a girl"I say. "A girl"she asks and I nod. "Yeah a mini me I'll be happy wether it's a boy or a girl tho"I say and she nods. "There it is"she says and I look at the screen. "Oh my gosh"I say. "There is the head the little arm and a foot"she says moving the camera around. "Now give me some time to look around and I'll tell you what the gender is"she says and I nod. I look at my mom and she smiles. "You ready"she asks. "Not at all"I say. "It'll be okay me and Cheryl are here"she says. Cheryl holds my hand and kisses it. "Okay the baby is"Charolette paused. "A girl"she says and I tear up. "Really"I ask and she nods. "Yep it's a girl"she says and I sniffle. "Oh my gosh" I say. "Congratulations T"Cheryl says and kisses my head. Charolette wipes the goo off my stomach and walks out. "It's a baby girl"I say wiping my face. "Yep now you can start coming up with names for her"mom says and I nod. "What do you have in mind"Cheryl asks. "Well if it was a boy I was gonna write down in the suggestions box Khari but I haven't thought about girls really I haven't thought about a letter"I say. "What are you thinking"mom asks. "Well like me and if I was to have a sibling they would both be A names"I say and she nods. "That's like me and my family everyone has a C"Cheryl says and I nod. "I was thinking K or Z"I say. "K"Mom says and I nod. "Well when we get home we can talk about this"I say. Charolette comes in with the pictures and hands them to me. "Congratulations Toni on your baby girl"she says. "Thank you"I say. "I'll see you at your next check up"she says and I nod. We leave and go home. We sit and talk about names for a while before Cheryl left to go home. Later that night Cheryl texted me with a name and I loved it. I went to bed after that awaiting the next day.
The next day
I wake up and sigh. I slowly sit up and see that my clothes were picked out and breakfast was on my desk. I knew it was Cheryl because she started doing it after I was 2 months along. I get up and bathe. After I do that I eat and get dressed. As I was struggling to put on my socks and shoes there was a knock on my door. "Come in" I say and Cheryl pokes her head in. "Hey" I say as she walks in. "Hey beautiful" she says kissing my head. I smiled and sighed. "You need help"she asks. "No I got it"I say. I try to bend again to put my sock on Cheryl gently grabbed it from me and helped me. She got my shoes on and stood me up. "I could've done it myself" I huff. "You needed help I could clearly see that"she says. Before I could say anything else she kissed me. I got lost in the moment. She slowly pulled away and I looked at her. "Better"she asks. "Mhm"I hum nodding. "You can't keep doing that though I have raging hormones"I say. "You not bout it so til then I'll continue"she says and I look at her. "Don't try me how you think I got pregnant" I say and she laughs. We go downstairs and my mom walks out the kitchen. "Alright you two have a good day at school Cheryl watch after my daughter and granddaughter"she says. "Yes ma'am they will not leave my sight for one millisecond"Cheryl says and salutes. "Oh my gosh"I say playfully rolling my eyes. We get into the car and head to school. Once we get there it was a crowd of kids outside. "What the hell"she says as we pull up. I started to take off my seatbelt but she stopped me. "Stay here"she says and I sigh. She gets out the car and pushes through the crowd. I get out the car and slowly walk over. "What was all that talk yesterday"Cameron asks. "What the fuck is wrong with you can't you see she's under enough pressure leave her alone" she says. "Nah cus my baby's in that bitch so I'll stress her out as much as I possibly can"he says. "It's not yours if you don't claim it"Cheryl says. "So what it's yours"he asks. "Yeah I've been helping her last time I checked I help her every morning"she says. "You think just because you are a senior you can take everyone get whatever and whomever you want"he asks. "I never said that"she says. "She still loves me I know that for a fact so I'll have her under my arm with just a snap of my fingers"he says. "Says who"I ask. Cheryl and Cameron look at me. "I told you to stay in the car"she says. "Who said with a snap of your fingers I'd be with you again" I ask completely ignoring Cheryl. "Me it came out of my mouth right"he says. "I don't love you anymore nor do I give a fuck about your opinion you want a girl to woo over you try somebody else cus it won't be me Cheryl has been more of a parent to an unborn child than you could ever be even if you decided to stay you are a mistake and your mom would agree" I say. The crowd ooo's and he walks away. "How about we skip school"Cheryl says. "I guess" I sigh and go back to the car. I get in and close my eyes. I feel a kiss on my cheek. I look at Cheryl and she smiles. "How about a massage" she asks and I nod. "Okay well I had a little something planned for the weekend but I guess we can do it now" she says and I look at her confused. She drives to sweet water river and parks. We get out the car and come across a little cabin in the woods. "Who's is this" I ask. "Mine my mom got it if I ever needed some time alone because of stress"she says. "Cool"I say. We go in and it's a one bedroom. "Oh my gosh a bed"I say and lay down. She laughed a bit. I sit up and take off my shoes. "You still want that massage"she asks. "Yes"I say and she nods sitting down. She puts my feet on her lap and starts to massage them. I felt so relaxed and calm. Our day went on with calm and quiet greatness.

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