Christmas Miracle

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Madelaine POV:
I am downstairs making breakfast for my wife and son. When I get done I go upstairs. Today is Christmas Day and I want to make it the best for them. I first go to my bedroom. I close the door and go over to Vanessa. I lay in bed and kiss her all over her face. She groans pushing my face away.

"Baby get up"I say kissing her neck.

I kiss down her neck and back up to her lips. I kiss on her lips.

"Baby"she whines pushing me away.

"Baby get up its Christmas"I say and she slowly opens her eyes.

"I should've woken River up first"I say.

"Merry Christmas baby"she says kissing my lips.

"Merry Christmas beautiful"I say and pick her up.

"Let's go wake up baby boy" I say. We go to River's room and turn on his light.

"Merry Christmas"he screams popping out of nowhere. Vanessa jumps and we laugh.

"That's not funny almost gave me a heart attack"she says.

"I'm sorry mommy"he says hugging her. "It's alright"she says.

"Merry Christmas mama"he says hugging my leg.

"Merry Christmas bud ready to go open gifts"I ask and he nods.

"Race you down"I ask.

"You're gonna lose"he says.

"Go"I say and we run to the living room. I get there first.

"I win"I say.

"That's not fair you are bigger than me"he pouts. I pick him up and tickle him.

"Stop"he squeals and starts reaching for Vanessa.

"Mommy help me"he screams.

"Okay baby"she says and takes him from me. He lays his head on her shoulder out of breath.

"Okay I made breakfast so everyone to the kitchen"I say and that's where we go. As we eat breakfast we talk about plans for the day.

"Okay so do we open presents next"I ask.

"Yes yes yes"River cheers.

"We will go to Cami's next for the Christmas party"Vanessa says and I nod. After breakfast we go to the tree.

"Okay open your gifts"I say.

He goes through the gifts pulling out every single one with his name on it. Next thing we know there's a huge pile and wrapping paper goes flying. Vanessa gets up and starts putting the flying paper in the trash as he opens them. Soon he has so many clothes, shoes, and toys.

"Thank you"he says hugging us.

"You're welcome kid"I say and kiss his head.

"Okay mommy turn"he says and she sits on the floor.

"3 from Mads one from river"she says and opens river's first.

"Aw it's a family drawing"she says and shows me.

"It's really good"I say.

"Thank you"he says proudly.

She opens the three by me. One was a stuffed bear, one was new shoes, and the other was a painting of nature.

"I love this"she says looking at the painting.

"Painted it myself"I say and she smiles.

"Thanks babe thank you bub"she says and we nod.

"Okay baby it's your turn"she says and I get on the floor.

I open my gifts. 3 from Vanessa and 1 from river. From Vanessa it was a box of candy, a new jacket, and a pair of shoes. From river it's a picture of me and him on set.

"I found it in my drawer and thought I would frame it"he says and I smile.

"Thanks bud"I say and he nods.

"Okay wait here"Vanessa says and runs upstairs. She comes back down with one last present.

"This is for both of you"she says sitting it between us.

"Open it"she says and we do. Inside were pregnancy tests. Positive ones.

"Baby"I say in shock.

"What this mean"River asks looking at me.

"Surprise I'm pregnant" she says and River squeals hugging her.

I look back down at the tests and smile. Vanessa comes to me and makes me look at her.

"I love you" I say and she smiles.

"I love you too"she says and we kiss.

"I love you three"River says getting between us. We group hug and I sigh.

"I gonna be a big brother"he says and we nod.

"Yes you are"nessa says.

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