After Lunch Fun pt4

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A month later
Toni POV:
So tomorrow is the wedding and I'm freaking out. "Bitch calm down"Veronica says. "I can't I literally get married tomorrow"I say. "I know smile"she says. I smile and roll my eyes. "Look you haven't seen each other all day and I know you miss her"she says.

"Yeah"I sigh sitting on the bed. "How about me you Betty and your sisters go bowling to get your mind off of it"she says. "Yeah"I say. "Good"she says. "Mommy"I hear causing me to smile. I turn around and see Crystal. "Hey"I say and pick her up. "Who dropped you off"I ask. "Uncle AJ"she says.

I kiss her cheek and Veronica smirks. "What"I ask. "She's coming along"she says. "Where"Crystal asks. "Auntie Ronnie wants to take us bowling to get my mind off of missing daddy so much"I say. "Oh otay"she says. "What was daddy and your uncles doing"I ask. "Basketball"she says. "That sounds fun" I say. "Daddy said she not play like she use too cus you not there to cheer her on like you did in school"she says twirling my hair. I pout at Veronica.

"No"she says and I pout more. "No Antoinette now get ready we are going bowling"she says and I huff. Veronica leaves and I sit Crystal down to get dressed. I shower and do my hygiene. I put on jeans and one of Cheryl's tshirts. I put my shoes on and pick up Crystal. "Let's go"I say. We go outside and see Veronica sitting there. We get into the car and she looks at me. "Your sisters said they'll meet us there" she says and I nod.

We get to the bowling alley and go in. Once we get in we sit down and wait on my sisters. "You excited"I ask Crystal as I put the bowling shoes on her. "Yes"she says excitedly and I giggle. My sisters walk in and come over to us. "Hey sis"Audrey says. "Hey"I say and hug all 3 of them. "Betty is on her way"Veronica says and we nod. "Toni tell me your family in order because I be forgetting who's older"Veronica says. "Okay so it's AJ then me the Aaliyah then Antwan then Aniyah and last but not least Audrey" I say.

"Okay so"she says wanting me to carry on. "AJ is 25 I'm 23 Aaliyah is 21 Antwan is 20 Aniyah is 18 and Audrey"I say. "Is 16"Audrey says rolling her eyes. "16 isn't so bad I wish I was 16 again"I say. "Same it's so much stress being an adult"Aaliyah says. "Be happy you are living off of mom and dad's money for the next 2 years because after that"Aniyah says and scoffs. "Hey T"Aaliyah says. "Yeah"I say. "Where did Crystal go"she asks. "What"I ask and turn around.

Crystal is gone. "Holy shit"I say and get up. We go around the place looking for her. Then I spot her with a group of people. I go over and see and Cheryl and the guys. "Baby"I pout. "Nope nope"Veronica says picking me up. I sigh and let her carry me. "Where is she"Aniyah asks. "She's safe Cheryl has her"Veronica says and I just cross my arms. "Who's ready to bowl"Betty asks walking in.

"Finally"Veronica says and we start the game. It did take my mind off of everything. "Tones can you go get another bowling ball"Aaliyah asks and I nod. I'm walking to the rack on my phone when I bump into someone. "Shit"they say. I pick up their stuff and stand up. There stood Cheryl. "Hey baby"she says.

"Hi"I say. "What's wrong"she asks giving me my phone. "I miss you and you aren't at home"I say. "I will be tomorrow then we will be in a whole other country together for a week just be patient princess"she says and I sigh. "Fine"I say. "Love you"she says. "Love you too"I say and grab one of the bowling balls. "Also you look so good in my shirt" she says and I smile a bit. I go back over to my sister and give it to her. "Thank you"she says and I nod. "Toni your turn"Betty says.

I get up and grab a ball. I do the regular rolling and Veronica stands next to me waiting. Like literally we are crouched down watching it. I get a strike. "Yes"I say and flip Aaliyah off. She was in first and now I am. "Oh shut up"she says. We continue to bowl for an hour or so. And guess who won. I did they suck. We leave the bowling alley in fits of laughter. "It was pure luck"Aaliyah says. "She has a point"Audrey says. "I mean come on 3 strikes in a row how is that even possible"Aaliyah asks. "I'm just like that a boss"I say and she rolls her eyes.

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