You are only 15

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Toni POV:
I am Toni and I am disappointed in myself. Me and my boyfriend have been together for over a year now and I just found out I am pregnant. He doesn't know yet. I am on the way to his last class because I got let out of class early. I wait outside of the class when he walks out. "Hey babe"he says and kisses my cheek. "Hey I have to talk to you"I say. "What's up"he asks and I take him to the janitor's closet. "This is really important and I don't want you to talk until I am finished"i says and he nods. "So we had sex not to long ago and it was with no protection I don't know if you remembered to pull out or not but now I am pregnant"I say and he starts to laugh. Seeing the way my face looked he stopped and furrowed his eyebrows. "You're serious"he asks and I nod. "Bro stop playing"he says. "I'm not playing"I say. "Yes you are I get you are in love with me but that isn't a reason to trap me"he says. "No one is tryna fucking trap you Cameron"I say. "If you are really pregnant get rid of it"he says. "What"I ask. "If you really love me you'd get rid of it I don't want to spent my years of high school as a teen parent I'm only a sophomore"he says. "You fucking prick" I say. "If you don't we are done and I don't want it"he says. "Fuck you"I say and he leaves. I slid down the wall in tears. As I'm sitting there with my head in my lap in tears I hear the door open. I look up and see Cheryl Blossom. The girl everyone wants but can't have. She's a senior. "Hey are you okay" she asks. "Uh yeah yeah I'm fine"I say wiping my tears. "Are you sure I heard you crying as I was heading to my car" she says. "Yeah just broke up with my boyfriend" I say and she looks at me as if she does yet doesn't believe me. "Do you need a ride home"she asks. I look at my phone seeing the time. I missed the bus and I don't even have a car. "Uh sure"I say. She helps me up and guides me out of the school. We get to her car which was a bmw. "Nice car"I say. "Thanks"she says. I give her my address and she starts the drive. We soon pull into my neighborhood and I started to get anxious. I guess Cheryl noticed because she softly grabbed my hand. We get to my house and pull into the driveway. "Uh thanks for the ride"I say as I get out of the car. "Not a problem I'll see you at school tomorrow"she says. "Yeah"I say and go into my house. "Mom dad"I say and they walk out of the kitchen. "I have something to tell you"I say and they look at each other. "What's wrong sweetheart"mom asks. "Can you guys sit down because I know what this will do"I say and they nod. I close the door and go to the couch. "Okay so today me and Cameron are not together anymore"I say. "What why you two were a perfect match"dad asks. "I'm pregnant"I say. "You are what"my dad asks in a low tone. "I'm pregnant and he broke up with me saying I was trying to trap him and if I ever loved him I'd get rid of it"I say. "I agree"dad says and I look at him. "What"me and mom asks. "I agree you are only 15 Toni a sophomore in high school you can't even take care of yourself and you think you can take care of a baby"he says furiously. "Anthony are you even thinking straight she's your daughter you can't say things like that"mom says. "What do you suggest we do with that mistake inside of her"he asks and I look down. "Toni sweetheart"mom says and I look at her. "Go to your room I'll call you back down when we are done"she says and I nod. I go to my room and sit against the door. As I was sitting there once again in tears I hear them yelling at each other. It made me cry harder because I'm the one who caused it. I didn't know what they were saying because the yelling was muffled. It went on for almost 30 minutes. But I got anxious when i hear a loud door slam and it got dead silent. There was a knock on my room door. I open the room door to see my mom. "Come here"she says bringing me into a hug. I hugged her tightly and cried into her chest. "It's okay he's not gonna do anything"she says. "What am I going to do"I cried. "We are keeping it I refuse to let you sit there and have thoughts of killing something that'll be good for you"she says. "How is this good for me I'm 15 and pregnant I can barely keep my grades up in school"I say. "Listen we are keeping it and I'll raise it as it's grandma while you are at school just promise me and you will try to keep your grades up and when you get home you will be a mother to this child"she says and I nod. "I promise"I say and she kisses my head. "I'll ask my friend to get us a appointment"she says and I nod. She leaves and I sit on my bed.
The next day
I'm sitting in class when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look back and see Cheryl. "Oh hey" I say. "You okay you seem anxious"she asks. "I'm fine just tired" I say and she nods. We got back to work and soon class ended. It was around lunch time when I got called to the office. "Yes"I ask the lady at the front desk. "Your mom is here to pick you up you can head on home"she says and I nod. Luckily I had my bag on so I just walked out. I get to the car and my mom drives to a clinic. "You ready"she asks and I let out a sigh. "It'll be fine"she says and I nod. We go in and mom's friend comes to us. "Hey is she ready"she asks. "Toni this is my friend Charolette"mom says and we shake hands. "It's so good to meet you your mom has told me a lot about you"she says and I just smile a bit. "Well let's get started"she says and takes me to a checkup room. We do the regular check up stuff then she tells me to lay down on the bed. So that's what I do. "Okay sweetheart this may be a little cold"she says and slowly spreads some clear goo on my stomach. It was a bit cold. She picks up some stick from the machine and puts it on my stomach. That's when I saw it. It being the baby. "Oh my god"I say putting my head back. Tears sliding down my face. "It looks are you are about 2 weeks along"she says and I sigh. "Thank you so much Charolette"mom says and she nods. She cleans everything up and walks out. "How are you feeling"mom asks and I just cry. "I lost my boyfriend, my friends, my dad all because of this thing"I say. "Hey stop listen to me those are not real friends that boyfriend didn't really love you and your father is a prick you don't need that in your life so forget about it I'm here for you and my grandchild"she says and I sigh. "You know your mom is right"Charolette says walking in with pictures in her hands. "My aunt had a baby at 15 she lost everyone even her dad just like you but she still had her mom her sister and her baby"she says. "What was the baby's gender"I ask. "She had a girl"she chuckled a bit. "That baby girl came with a surprise"she says and I furrow my eyebrows. "A gift that our family never even experienced before intersexuality"she says. "I've heard of it"I say. "Yep and now that baby girl is a senior in high school who's off to do great things in life like studying to become a lawyer she got a scholarship for playing basketball she's gonna make her mom proud"she says. "See this is a surprise blessing"mom says. "I'm sure there are people out there just like your mom who will love and care for you"Charolette says and I nod. We get up and leave. I went back to school because I just didn't want to be home. When I got back to school I went to the class that was the period I was in. I sit in class and do work. Soon school ended and I am sitting outside thinking. "Hey"I hear and look up. "Oh hey Cheryl"I say. "Mind if I sit"she asks and I scoot over a bit. She sits down and sighs. "What's wrong"I ask. "Nothing just saw you and wanted to see what was up"she says. "Oh nothing just thinking"I say. "Same"she says. "What are you thinking about"I ask. "I just got off the phone with my cousin and she was telling me about something at the clinic she works at"she says and I furrow my eyebrows. "She was saying how when the girl saw her baby for the first time she bursted into tears and how emotional it was for her to be in that room witnessing it"she says. "What happened"I ask. "The girl cried because she lost everything and her mom was trying to comfort her and all I could think was I wish I was there" she says. "Why"I ask. "My mom went through the same thing from getting pregnant and having me at 15 to losing everyone she thought cared for her except for her mom and sister I tried so hard for her I did I wanted to accomplish everything she couldn't"she says and wipes the tears that fell from her eyes. "I just want to hug the girl and tell her it's okay that she'll get through it"she says. "Is your cousins name Charolette"I ask. "Yeah how did you know"she asks. "Because I was the girl she was talking about" I say and she looks at me. Not another word came out of her mouth. She just stood me up and hugged me. I slowly hugged back. "Don't give up on them it'll be good for you"she says in my ear. "I won't"I say. "Promise me that you will come to me when you need something anything"she says. "I promise"I say and she pulls back. "Imma take you home"she says and I nod. I get into her car and she takes me home. I get out of the car and stop. "Thanks Cheryl" I say and she nods. "I'm here"she says and I nod. I go into the house and sit on the couch. "Hey sweetheart who was that"mom asks walking out of her room. "Oh uh that was just a friend" I say. "That was nice of them to drop you home"she says. "Yeah"I say. "Do they know"she asks. "Uh yeah she's Charolette's cousin"I say and she looks surprised. "That's the girl Charlotte was talking about"she asks and I nod. "That's great" she says and I shrug. There was a knock on the door. My mom went to open it as I sat on the couch. "Toni"I hear and get up. I go to the door to see my mom letting Cheryl in. "Hey" I say. "What are you doing here" I ask. "Oh uh I drove off when I realized that you left your jacket with your ultrasound pictures in my car so I turned around I didn't expect your mom to let me in"she says and hands me my things. "Well thank you I appreciate you bringing them to me" I say. "No problem uh I'll see you at school"she says and I nod. "See you" I say and she leaves. "She likes you"my mom says and I look at her. "What you mean" I ask. "She could've waited until tomorrow to bring you your stuff but she wanted to see you a second time before she left" she says and i just look at her. "Stop she's a senior she doesn't like me" I say. "Whatever you say"she says and walks away. I went and ended my night with a bath, pizza and a movie.

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