The dancer and the girl

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Vanessa POV:
"Vanessa she's like 21 you're 18 she wouldn't date you"Cameron says. "She's 19 first of all"I say and he rolls my eyes. "Who are we talking about"cami asks walking to me. "Madelaine Petsch the dancer"I say showing her the photo. "Oh that's my friends cousin"she says. "Who's your friend"I ask.

She takes my phone and pulls up a video on Madelaine's instagram. "You see the blonde she's dancing with"she asks. "Yeah"I say. "That's my friend Lili Reinhart" she says. "Cool"I say. "Last night she was telling me that her and Madelaine are in riverdale for a night or two" she says. "Really"I ask. "Yeah she told me to meet up at pops you wanna come with"she asks. "Yes"I say and she nods. "What about you Cameron"she asks. "Nah it's cool"he says and walks away. "Has he told you"cami asks. "That he likes me yeah" I say. "What exactly did you say" she asks. "I said I'm sorry if I sent the wrong signals but I really like you as a friend you are like my best friend"I say and she shrugs. "You think he'll be okay"she asks. "Hopefully"I say. "Well come on cus we are about to be late to see them"she says grabbing my hand.

We get to pops and there they were. "Cami"lili cheers as they hug. "Hey lili this is my best friend Vanessa"cami says. "Hi"lili says. "Hi"I say. "Oh right"she says and pulls us over the the table. "Mads meet my friend Camila and she decided to bring her friend her names Vanessa"she says to Madelaine and she looks up. "Hey"mads says and looks at me. She looked frozen for a bit before blinking and looked back down. "Mads really isn't a talker like ever unless it's to me"lili says.

We sit and as cami and lili talk about any and everything we sit here. "So how has your day"I say. "It's better now that I saw you"she says under her breath. I smile a bit and sit back. "My day was okay just danced ate slept watched a few movies then I'm here"she says going back to her phone. "Okay well do you do anything other than dance"I ask. "Uh yeah took ballet when I was 5 to 12 then I moved to lyrical and jazz for three years then tap for about two years I also paint I've been doing that for a while"she shrugs. "That's cool you are so talented" I say and she nods. "What about you"she asks putting her phone down. I got her attention finally. "Well I did ballet when I was 4 to maybe 8 I was a part of the cheer and dance team but didn't stay long then I started singing between that"I say. "So you sing"she asks. "Only when I'm doing something like cleaning or cooking" I say and she nods. "How did you break her shield"lili asks looking at the two of us. "Uh I guess just keeping up conversation" I shrug. "Other people have tried but she still wouldn't budge"she says. "I'll be back"mads says getting out of the booth. "I'll go talk to her"lili says. "Actually can I try"I ask and she nods.

"Be my guest"she says. I leave the booth and go to the bathroom. "Lili if you are here to ask if I'm okay I'm fine"she says. "I'm not lili but are you sure" I ask and she looks up. "Vanessa"she says and looks back down at the sink. "Madelaine are you okay though"I ask. "Yeah I'm fine"she says.

I walk closer to her and gently grab her hands. "You know you can tell me right maybe if you tell me what's going on I'll tell you about what's going on in my life"I say and she sighs. "Fine"she says and I nod. "I'm just tired I have bad anxiety in general I do sometimes suffer with depression and I have my therapist to help with that but when me and lili go out and so many people crowd us I get scared you don't hear a peep out of me at all but when I saw you it was like all my problems went away in a flash"she says and I nod with a small smile. "I'm glad you opened up to me"I say and she nods. "Okay well my boy best friend is upset because he liked me but I didn't like him back so when I told him I liked this girl he was kinda upset but who knew I'd meet her that same day"I say and she looks at me.

We stood there for a bit before we started to lean in. We then got interrupted by lili. "Mads come on we have to get to the studio to practice before leaving for LA"she says. "Can I maybe stay with Vanessa"madelaine asks. "She can come with"lili says. "Is cami coming"I ask. "Yeah"lili says and I nod.

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