Yall just some freaks pt3

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A few months later
Toni POV:
I am on the way to Cheryl's locker. She is still upset about the ring but I've been helping her keep her anger down. "Hey baby"I say and she looks from her locker. "Hey hottie"she says pulling me into her. "You seem in a good mood today"I say. "Well the rendezvous last night still has an effect on me"she says in my ear and I bite my lip. "Can you release some of that effect onto me"I ask and she smirks. We kiss and start to make out. I feel her slide a hand down to my ass. "Come on you guys you are in the hallway"we hear so we pull apart. We look and see Sweetpea fangs Veronica and Asia. "Oh wassup"Cheryl says. "Instead of fucking in the hallway can we steal Toni"Veronica asks. "We weren't gonna fuck in the hallway"I say. "Yeah more like in an empty classroom"Cheryl says in my ear and I gasp. "Cheryl"I say and she laughs. "So can we"Asia asks. "I'll see you later"I say and she nods. She squeezes my ass before I walk away. "Hands in your pockets Blossom"I say and she nods putting her hands in her pants pocket. I follow Asia and Veronica to the girls locker room. "T this has to stop"Asia says. "What"I ask. "Your parents will be here any minute and you are trying to fuck Cheryl"Veronica says. "Wait wait they are coming here today"I ask. "Yeah you didn't know"she asks. "No"I say and we leave the room. I grab Jughead and Cheryl and pull them outside. "Damn babe chill"Cheryl says coughing out the weed she was smoking. "I'm sorry but my parents are coming"I say. "The fuck that got to do wit us"Jughead says. "Woah chill dawg you don't speak for the both of us"Cheryl says and sighs. "What he said"she says. "My parents still want me to be with Jughead they don't trust me"I say. "We aren't together so that's not my problem"he says. "Jughead please help me" I say. "Fine"he says. "Cheryl we have to act like we aren't together" I say. "Okay"she says and I nod. I kiss her cheek and she smiles a bit. "Toni they are here"Veronica says and we turn around. We go into the school and my parents walk in. "Antoinette sweetheart"my mom says. "Hey mom dad"I say. My dad looks at Cheryl and scowls. "This school has gangsters too are we sure not to put her in a private school or boarding school"he says. "Sir I appreciate the compliment"she says and I look at her. "I'm glad our daughter doesn't date people like you"mom says. "The fuck is that supposed to mean"Cheryl asks under her breath. "What's your name"dad asks. "Dad no need for that"I say. "Cheryl Marjorie Blossom"she says and my dad stops. "You're a blossom"he asks. "May not look like it but yes"she says. "I'm sorry for your loss"mom says. "You can shove the apology up your ass I don't need it they deserve what they got"she says and walks away. "You aren't friends with her right"mom asks. "I am" I say. "Well that's unacceptable"dad says. I look down and sigh. "Forsythe how are you"mom asks. "I'm doing good mr and Mrs topaz you"he says. "We are doing splendid"she says. "I can't do this Toni I like a girl"he says in my ear and I nod. "With all due respect your daughter and I are not together anymore we have split and decided to go our separate ways"he says. "Toni is this true"dad asks. "Yes I don't want Jughead I want someone else"I say. "Same"Jughead says. "Who is this someone"dad asks and I sigh. "Cheryl"I say. "No"he says. "Dad"I say. "No I won't allow it go to the car"he says. I sigh and walk out of the school. I see Cheryl sitting by the shed so I walk over to her. "Shouldn't you be with your parents"she asks blowing out smoke. "I was but when Jughead told them that we weren't together I told them I was with you and they didn't like that"I say sitting next to her. "What do you mean"she asks. "He won't allow it"I say and she looks down. "I'm sorry"she says. "Hey look at me"I say turning her head. "Fuck what they think I want to be with you"I say and she smiles a bit. "Why did you come outside"she asks. "My dad told me to get in the car why are you outside"I ask. "I'm about to head home"she says. "Take me with you" I say. "Tones I don't think that's a good idea"she says. "Please"I say and she sighs. "Alright"she says. We get up and get into her car. We go to her house and go in. "Thanks babe"I say turning to her. "Of course I don't want to be away from my future wife"she says kissing my head and I blush. "Babe can I ask you a question"I ask and she looks at me. "Yeah"she says. "Why do act the way you do"I ask. "Depression"she says. "What do you mean" I ask. "A real street dude but I got depression a lot of things really left my feelings hurtin just wanna please everybody I'm not perfect"she says and I hug her. "You are perfect to me"I say and she smiles. "You are adorable"she says and kisses my cheek. She looks at her phone and doesn't let me go. "Babe"I say and she looks at me. "Can you let me go"I ask. "No"she says. "What are you looking at"I ask. "A video Sweetpea made in 6th grade"she says and shows me.

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