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5 months later
Cheryl POV:
So I'm at home when my phone starts ringing. "Hello"I answer. "Cheryl"Toni cried. "What's wrong"I ask sitting up. "It hurts"she says. "Describe what's happening" I say. "It's wet and it hurts"she says. "I'm on the way where's your mom"I ask as I grab my shoes and run to my car. "She's on the way"she says and starts to groan in pain. "Okay I'm on the way as fast as I can. I hang up and call Toni's mom. "Did she call you"she asks. "Yeah I'm on the way"I say. "So am I and the ambulance"she says. "Okay"I say. I get to the house and see the ambulance taking Toni out of the house. "T"I say. "Cher"she says. "I'll meet you at the hospital okay your mom will go with you" I say. "Will you be in the room with me"she asks as they load her into the truck. "I promise"I say. They take her away and I sigh. I get into the car and drive to the hospital. When I get there I see Toni's mom pacing. "Hey"I say running to her. "Good you are here we have to get in there now"she says and she drags me to the delivery room. We go in there and see her asleep. I sit in one of the chairs and sigh. "You alright"her mom asks. "Yeah are you"I ask. "I'm nervous as hell"she says and I laugh a bit. "Family of Antoinette Topaz"a doctor asks and we look up. "She's 5 centimeters dilated we put her on some pain meds which should help with the pain from her contractions"she says and I nod. "I will be back when she's ready to give birth" she says and leaves. "This is actually happening"I say. "Cheryl I have to tell you something"her mom says and I look up at her. "Everything okay"I ask. "Yes everything is fine I just wanted to tell you that Toni has decided that she wants you to put your name on the birth certificate" she says and I look at her shocked. "She wants me to put my name on there"I ask and she nods. "Why"I ask. "Because I love you"we hear and look towards the waken beauty. "T"I say and hold her hand. "I want your name on there with mine because I love you and I know how much it'll mean to you" she says and I smile a bit. "So will you officially be my baby girl's other parent"she asks. "Our baby girl"I say and she smiles. We kiss and hear sniffling. We look towards her mom and see her crying. "Are you okay mom"she asks. "Yeah I'm totally fine"her mom says. "Come on let's go get you some tissues and a snack"I say and we leave the room. "Thank you for being there for her"she says and I smile. "She's the most precious human being I hated seeing her so down about that boy I'm so grateful that I got the chance to meet her and make her life better if I would've never went to that janitor's closet that day i wouldn't be here"I say. "Janitor's closet"she asks. "The first day I dropped her off I was headed to my car when I heard crying coming from the janitors closet so I went to check it out it was Toni she was on the floor crying I asked her if she was alright and offered to take her home"I say. "Thank you for that who knows what she was thinking in that closet"she says and I nod. We go back to the room and see Toni watching tv. "You guys okay"she asks. "Yep how are you feeling gem"I ask. "I'm okay ready to get this baby out of me"she says and we laugh a bit. That's when she started to wince. "You okay"I ask and doctors and nurses rush in. "10 centimeters dilated she's ready"she says and gets Toni ready. "So when I tell you to push I want you to breath in and push as hard as you can okay"she says and Toni nods. "Okay and push"she says and that's what Toni does. She cries in pain as she pushes squeezing my hand. "Come on baby you got this"I say and she nods. "It hurts"she cried. "It's okay look at me gem"I say and she does. "Just push and it will all be over"I say. "And push"the doctor says. She does yelling in pain. I kiss her head pushing her hair back. The more she pushes the louder the baby cries got. "One more big push"the doctor says and Toni inhales. She pushes one last time and the baby was out. "Here she is"the doctor says and I smile. "Baby you did it" I say and she nods tiredly. "Wanna cut the umbilical cord"the doctor asks. "Who me"I ask. Toni lays her hand on my cheek. "Do it"she whispered and I smiled. I went over and cut the umbilical cord. "Alright"the doctor says with a smile. "Who holds her first"she asks. "The mother of course"I say and she hands the baby to Toni. "She's so cute"Toni says admiring the baby. I sit next to them and watch. "Do you have a name for her or come back later"the doctor asks. "Kianna Melody Blossom-Topaz"she says and I look up at her. "Beautiful name I'll go get it ready"the doctor says and walks out. "Blossom-Topaz"I ask. "Yeah we aren't married so I figured she has your last name as well" she says and I smile. "I love you" I say. "I love you more"she says. "Can I hold my grand baby" her mom asks. "Of course mom"Toni giggles and hands Kianna to her. "Oh she looks just like you"her mom says. "And a little bit like Cheryl"her mom says confused. I furrow my eyebrows and look at her. "No way"I say. "Yeah she has your lips"she says. "I must've been around you a lot for her to adapt your features"Toni says. "I wish she had auburn hair that would be so cute" I say and Toni nods. "Maybe in the future"Toni says and I smiled a bit. "Alright I have to pee Cheryl it's your turn"her mom says and carefully hands her to me. I look down at the baby girl and smile. "Hey princess"I say. "Am I mama"I ask looking at Toni. "You're whatever you wanna be mama daddy"she shrugs. "Hell you can be my daddy for all I care"she says and I look at her. "Not in front of our daughter Topaz"I say and she laughs a bit. "Okay but seriously it's whatever I just know I'm mommy"she says and I nod. "I guess she'll choose"I say. A doctor walks in. "Im here for the birth certificate signing"she says. Toni signs then hands the pen to me I look down at the baby girl in my arms. This is where I officially make her my daughter. I signed and gave the pen to the doctor. "We will be back to take her to the baby room"she says and we nod. "So baby"Toni says and I look at her. "You going to college"she asks. "I'm doing online so I can stay with you and Kianna" I say. "You know you don't have to"she says. "But I am I want to be around for my daughter and girlfriend"I say. "Girlfriend"she smirks. We never really made it official we just went with the flow. "Yeah"I say and pull a small box out of my pocket. "Will you officially become my girlfriend and accept my promise of protecting you with all I've got making sure you are safe love you with everything in me I love you and I want you by my side forever you and our baby girl"I say and open the box. Inside was a ring I bought some time ago. "Cher"she says and I look at her. "Of course I accept your promise"she says and I smile. I slide the ring on her finger and kiss her hand. "I'm gonna get her one too"I say looking down at the baby in my arms. "Thank you baby"Toni says and I peck her lips. "Of course it was bout time"I say. "Can I just say I can't wait for you to become my daughter in law"Toni's mom says walking in and I laugh a bit. "I think it's about time you guys met Ma dukes"I say. "Oh I would love to meet her"Toni says excitedly. "I'll call her here then"I say and they nod. I call my mom and she's on the way. As me and Toni are sitting there with Kianna there was a knock at the door. Toni's mom opens it. "Uh Cheryl it's for you"she says and I give Kianna to Toni and go to the door to see a man. "Can I help you"I ask. "Clifford"I hear and see my mom. "You know this guy" I ask. "He's"she starts and sighs. "He's your father"she says and I look at him. "I don't have a father" I say. "Come on Cheryl"he says trying to touch my arm. I move back and just look at him. "You weren't there for me at all I didn't have a dad to play football or basketball with I had to learn on my own I didn't have a dad to teach me how to aim or how to dress cool mom had to try her best I didn't have a father figure who I knew had my back if I ever needed it you were so caught up with your own ego and life that you couldn't be here for me or her do you know how much shit she went through because of you"I ask and push him away from the door. "Cheryl not here"mom says holding my arm. "You think I'm just gonna let you in my life and have you around me or my family though I don't even know you you had your chance the day she told you she was pregnant and you fucked it up do us all a favor and turn your back on us again we don't want you here"I say. "But I came here to make up for lost time"he says. "It's been almost 18 years there is no time to make up goodbye Clifford"I say and go back into the room. "Hey you okay"Toni asks. "Yeah" I say and sigh. "Babe Ms.Topaz meet the woman who gave birth to me mom meet the mother of my child and my future mother in law fingers crossed"I say. "Cheryl you didn't tell me you got someone pregnant"mom says. "Mom no I didn't I just took her as my own"I say and she sighs of relief. "Well hello I'm Penelope it's so very nice to meet you seems to me I have new family members"she says. "Seems so"Toni's mom says. "And you have a new granddaughter"I say. "Could I hold her"she asks. Toni hands Kianna to me and I sit her in my moms arms. "What's her name"she asks. "Kianna Melody Blossom-Topaz"I say. "How beautiful"she says. "Question"mom says and we all look at her. "There was this man outside the hospital he looked kinda like Toni like he was a family member or something"she says. "Lock this door and don't open it unless it's a doctor or me I'll give the doctors a code word which is melody"Toni's mom says. "I'm going with you"I say. "Cheryl no"Toni says. "T I have to make sure your mom is okay"I say. "Be careful"she says and I kiss her. "I will"I say and walk out. Toni tells the doctors the code word and we go outside. "Anthony"she says and the guy looks at us. "Where is she"he asks walking up. I pull her behind me and he looks me up and down. "Who is this"he asks. "Don't worry about it step the fuck back"I say. "Cheryl"she says and I sigh. "I wanna see her"he says. "The question is does she wanna see you she cried every night because of you because she thinks she ruined the family when it was you" she says. "She's 15 she got pregnant at the start of the school year"he says. "I know she spent her entire sophomore year pregnant but she is happy she has found peace in what she is doing with her life and you just can't accept that"she says. "I wanna see my daughter"he says. "Cheryl FaceTime Toni"she says. I FaceTime Toni. "Hey are you okay"she asks. "Do you want to talk to your dad"I ask. "No get him to leave please I don't want to see his face"she says upset. "Toni please"he says and she instantly hangs up. "She hung up"I sighed. "You gotta leave man"I say. "Fine"he huffs and walks away. We go back in and we go to the room. We go in and Toni looks at me. "I'm so glad you are okay"she says and kisses me. "Of course I can handle anything" I say as we pulled away. "The nurses took Kianna to the baby room"she says and I nod. "Come"she says scooting over. "No babe I want you to be comfortable I'll stay right here"I say sitting in a chair next to her bed. "No baby lay next to me"she says and I sigh. I get into the bed with her and she cuddles into me. It gets late and we fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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