After lunch fun

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Toni POV:
I am sitting in the living room when Cheryl walks in. "Hey babe"I say. "Hey beautiful"she says and pecks my lips. "How was work"I ask. "Tiring but"she trails on coming around the couch and kneeling in front of me. "I'm glad I'm finally home with my sexy fiancée"she says spreading my legs. "No we have lunch with your parents today"I say and she sighs rolling her eyes. "Dammit"she says standing up. "But"I say standing up. "For dinner you can devour"I say gently holding her chin and she bites her lip. "You promise"she asks and I smirk. "Hell yeah"I say. She picks me up and we go into our room. We both get dressed.

As I'm getting dressed I leave a surprise for Cheryl

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As I'm getting dressed I leave a surprise for Cheryl.

Sooner or later we get to the restaurant and get seated with her parents and brother, Jason

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Sooner or later we get to the restaurant and get seated with her parents and brother, Jason. "Hello any beverages I can start you all with"the waiter asks. "Wine for me"I say and he nods. "Wine at this time"Cheryl asks. "Oh I know I'm gonna need it"I say. "The strongest drink you have"Cheryl says. "Same"her dad says. "I'll just get a water"Jason says. "Yeah same"her mom says. "Alright I'll be right back"he says and walks away. "So you two any preparations for the wedding"her mom asks. "Actually yeah we decided on yellow and white"Cheryl says. "Yellow is a great color"her dad says. "Have you guys went dress shopping or anything yet"her mom asks. "Uh no but we have started with the venue and things babe when do you wanna go dress shopping"Cheryl asks looking at me. "Next Monday because I'm busy with the office for the rest of the week"I say. "Hardworking woman I knew I liked you"her mom says and I smile. "So Cheryl how's work going"Jason asks. "It's going fine better than ever actually we sold out on blossom rum in 4 countries and are restocking as we speak"she says proudly. "Amazing"her father says. "I'm so happy you two came this far"her mom says. "Oh no she's gonna tell a story"Jason says and we laugh. "I remember it was the first day of college she was on a video call with me she was rambling on and on about how she wanted to go home and didn't want to be around all these people she was talking so much she didn't even realize she turn her camera so I was seeing the floor"she says and we laugh. "That's until I seen black I was asking what happened and what's going on when I see Cheryl just stuck"she says. "The first thing she said was I am starstruck" she says and I look at Cheryl. "I asked why she said I just met the love of my life" she says. "I was confused cause she ain't know anyone then she started saying stuff like she's so beautiful or worst first impression the she started describing her short tan skin the most beautiful hair brown eyes and I'm just like Cheryl focus on the task at hand find your dorm"she says and I smile at Cheryl. "I remember that day vividly"I say. "What was going on"her mom says. "Well I had a friend call me so I was going to go see them"I say.

"Alright V I'm coming" I say and hang up. I start walking to the front of the school. I was looking for my car keys in my purse when I bump into someone. My bag falls and so does their stuff. I immediately go to pick up their stuff. When I stand up I'm faced with a girl with curly red hair. She was so pretty. "Hi"I breathed out. "Hey"she says. Then I remember I had her stuff. "Oh uh here is your stuff I'm sorry"I say. "Nah it's okay I wasn't paying any attention"she says handing me my purse. "It's totally fine I wasn't either" I say. "I'm Cheryl"she says holding out her hand. "Uh Antoinette but call me Toni" I say and shake her hand. Right when I did I felt a spark. Wow her hands are soft. "Well I'll see you around Toni"she says. "Yeah most definitely"I say and she walks away. I get to the parking lot and Veronica comes to me. "Damn bitch what took you so long"she asks. "I just met the love of my life" I say. "Really boy or girl"she asks. "Girl but with a dick because I saw the print" I say. "Hot"she says. "I know"I say. "Taller or shorter"she asks. "Taller she looks about 5"7"I say. "Buff or average"she asks. "Oh she was buff"I say and she nods. "Well then if you chase be my guest"she says and I laugh a bit.
End of flashback

Cheryl pecks my lips and I smile a bit. "I am back with your drinks"the waiter says sitting the tray down. He hands up our drinks and nods to himself with approval. "Are you all ready to order"he asks. "Yes we are"her father says. "Alright what can I get for you"the waiter asks. "I would like the chicken sandwich with a side of Mac and cheese and extra butter"her father says. "Okay and for you ma'am"he says to her mom. "The same thing"she says. He looks at me and Cheryl. "Chicken Quesadillas and fries"I say. "Bacon burger with fries"Cheryl says. "And for you sir"he asks Jason. "Same as her"he says and the waiter nods. "I'll be back"he says and walks away. "Did you find out you bridesmaids"her mom asks. "Well I decided to make my sister Aniyah my maid of honor"I say. "Aniyah's gonna be maid of honor"Cheryl asks. "She's gonna be excited about that"her dad says and I nod. "Aaliyah said she wanted to be flower girl so we decided to let her do that but the other 3 bridesmaids are Veronica my other sister Audrey and Betty"I say. "Cheryl your best men"her dad asks. "My bro Jason gon best man"she says and he looks up happily. "You serious"he asks and she nods. "Thank you bro"he says and she laughs a bit. "Then behind him is Antwan"she says and I look at her. "Aw Cher" I say. "And AJ"she says. I'm happy she decided to make my brothers her best men. "Last it's sweet pea that's my bro"she says. "Oh wonderful"her mom says. "Jason why didn't you bring your girlfriend"Cheryl asks. "Uh well she really didn't want to come because she knew if she did she would cause tension"he says and I furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean"I ask. "She thought she was gonna cause tension so she didn't come"he says and I just shrug. "Well anyway I'm really excited for the wedding have you picked out a date"her father asks. "Yes actually our anniversary because it is super special to us"Cheryl says and I smile at her putting my hand on her thigh. She looks at it and then at me. I just shrugged and started drinking my wine. "Have you guys started thinking about kids"her mom asks causing me to choke on the wine. Cheryl hands me a napkin and I wipe my mouth. I get done coughing and sigh. "No we haven't actually we wanted to get married before we started to think about that"she says. "Oh okay that's smart"her dad says. I feel Cheryl's hand on my thigh.

Cheryl POV:
I'm rubbing on Toni's thigh and she is squeezing her legs together. We soon get our food and start to eat. "This is amazing"I say. "So Cheryl what are your next moves with the business"dad asks. "Well now that the business is world wide doing absolutely amazing I want to add a new flavor of rum maybe vanilla or strawberry I don't know yet"I say. "You think that'll work"Jason asks. "Anything is possible and if it doesn't work out then it won't go world wide when I do it I wanna start in one place and see what happens from there"I say and they nods. "That's a good business plan"Toni says moving my hair out of the way of my face. We continue to eat our food while talking. I get done before everyone. "Jeez you were hungry"Jason says. "I didn't eat all day so"I shrug. "You're eating dinner tonight that's for sure"Toni says picking up the crumbs from my face. "Yes I am"I say and she wipes off my face. I move my hand to her skirt and slide it under it. She didn't have on panties. I look at her with a sly smirk. "What"she asks. "You know what" I say circling on her clit and she pecks my lips. Everyone soon gets done with their food. I finish my drink and was out of there. "I'm driving" I say. "But you are tipsy"she says. "Nah I'm good"I say. I grab my wallet and and go half on the bill. "Well dad mom Jason we will see you later"I say. "See you Cher"they say and we leave. She stops me and kisses me. "I want it now"she says biting her lip. "Go get into the car raise your dress and spread your legs you know what to do"I say in her ear. We get into the car. She lays against the door and raises her dress. I am so glad my windows are tinted. "Oo"I say and run my fingers through her folds. She bites her lip closing her eyes. I pull out of the parking lot and on the way home I'm fingering her. "Fuck"she moans holding my wrist. "Baby it's coming"she says. "Let it go when it does" I say moving my fingers faster. She squirts and cums. "Holy shit"I say and she lets out a breath. "It got all over the car"I say. "I'll clean it later"she says. "It's okay I will you probably won't even be able to walk later"I say and she giggles. We go into the house and so what we do best.

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