Train Wreck Part 3

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Jackson knew that Raymond was pissed by the end of the week. It was obviously all directed at him. He'd been slapping reports on Jackson's desk. Bringing his coffee in cold silence, then leaving immediately and he didn't even fix his tie, when it was crooked. Even when Jackson loosened his tie, Raymond still refused to get anywhere near him.

When Raymond came in with his coffee, he decided to take the bull by the horns.

"You seem upset about something these days. Mainly me." he frowned at Raymond who still had his eyes glued to the floor. When he received no response, he snapped, "Can you please look at me? You're always staring at the floor, when you're pissed off!"

Raymond looked up at him, fury still burning in his eyes. "Didn't you tell me that a great assistant should never be seen and only speak when need to?" anger still burning near the surface. "So if there isn't anything else, Mr. Dealer, I have three reports due to you before the end of the day!" he snapped back, turning to leave the room, slamming the door behind him.

If Jackson didn't know that Raymond was ready to flip his nut, he knew now. Frowning at the closed door, he wondered what could have caused this. On a whim, he stepped out of the office beaming at Raymond, who was now standing, his eyes resolutely plastered to the floor. Jackson sighed.

"Come on Cook, I'm taking you out for lunch, to cheer you up!" he said brightly.

"I have those reports to finish, but give me a moment and I'll make a reservation for you. French?" Raymond raised an eyebrow at him, hating himself for knowing this arrogant ass so well, but reaching out for the phone.

"No, I've got a new place, the driver is meeting us out front, and without waiting he walked to the lift. Raymond blew out his breath slowly, then grabbed his postman's bag, slinging it over his shoulder, rushing out get the lift for Jackson.

The driver was already waiting for them. Raymond rushed forward to get the door, before getting in next to the driver. They didn't drive long before stopping at a shopping precinct, only accessible on foot. Raymond curiously looked around at the different artisan shops, small galleries and farmers market stalls. He was surprised that Jackson would come to a place like this. Following him, they stopped at a small coffee shop and bakery. It was bright with an eclectic selection of furniture dotted about and deep comfortable looking chairs. The smell of baked goods permeated the whole place, making Raymond's mouth salivate.

Sitting down across from Jackson, he wondered what was going on. A waitron arrived, with a bright smile, pencil in hand.

"Who are you?" Jackson rudely looked her up and down as if she was dirt. "Where's the owner?" he barked. The girl turned bright red, her eyed wide with fear. Turning around she rushed to the back of the bakery.

"That was rude, you know?" Raymond couldn't keep the anger out of his voice. They haven't even got to the food yet and Jackson was already being a prima donna. Raymond knew that he was going to have to smooth things over with some money. He never really thought that it was true, but some of the shit he had to fix for Jackson involved smoothing things over with money.

"Well, at least you're speaking again. Now, what's got you so worked up Cook? You've never stayed pissed off for this long." he noted looking at Raymond.

Raymond was on the fence about saying anything, but he'd been so pissed of at Jackson the whole week, for ruining his Sunday out for a couple of towels, the idea was tempting, but he needed a job.

"It's nothing." he mumbled, looking our of the window where they were seated.

"It's not nothing, if you're so pissed off with me." he prodded. "Come on Cook, you've helped me, let me try and help you."

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