The Grind Part 24

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The next morning, Raymond was standing outside the building, looking at its unique window facing, with flower gardens hanging from certain balconies. It was an impressive building to work in, but today, he didn't really want to go inside. Hitching his sling bag over his shoulder, he took a deep breath and walked to the doors. He had to grind his teeth as he walked by reception, seeing them immediately following his every move, but he put on his best smile and nodded at everyone as he walked.

As he got to the turnstile to swipe himself in to get to the lift, he realised that his key card was not in his pocket. No biggy, but an inconvenience. That card opened everything and he didn't feel like going through the motions of having a new card issued. Turning around, he bumped into something hard. Looking up, he saw Jackson smiling at him. 

"I'll swipe us in today," he grinned leaning down to kiss Raymond, who was blushing furiously, trying to get out of Jackson's reach, sure that everybody was watching. All the gates suddenly opened and Jackson took Raymond's hand in his own, interlacing their fingers and started walking toward the lifts. 

"What are you doing?"Raymond asked as soon as the doors closed. Jackson refused to let go of his hand.

"I'm just making sure that they know who your boyfriend is." Jackson said lazily, kissing Raymond's hand. "The cat's already out of the bag, Cook. Me holding your hand isn't going to change history." he sighed, pulling Raymond closer to him and leaning in for a kiss. 

Enjoying the way Jackson's lips left a tingling trail all over his mouth, his tongue playfully licking over Raymond's bottom lip. With a groan, Raymond leaned in further and deepened the kiss. They were so distracted by each other, that they didn't hear the lift ding, signaling the doors were opening. It's only when they heard a polite cough, that they finally broke apart, Raymond still slightly dizzy from their kiss. If there was something Jackson did well, then it was kissing. Maybe because he hadn't really kissed that many guys before, but in comparison, there really was no comparison, Raymond had to admit. 

Raymond looked in horror at the group of people standing in front of them. "What?! Jackson snapped. "Get your own lift." he turned away from them as the doors closed again. Raymond didn't know what to do at that point. Die of embarrassment, leave the office immediately, because the buzzing was only going to get louder, or continue kissing Jackson, which he was very inclined to do.

Stepping off at their floor, Jackson had still not let go of his hand, and gave him a quick kiss before going to his office. "It's nice to see that you're not fired yet." He greeted Glenn, taking a seat next to him.

"It was touch and go there for a bit, but I think that may have been the last time I'm fired... for now." his smile perked up. "At least there will be a next time."

"I think you're getting the hang of things," Raymond laughed. "I'm off." he said to Glenn, picking up his tablet, to make his usual rounds.

By mid-morning, Jackson looked up from his desk and didn't see Raymond anywhere. "Junior, get Cook in here, now!" he barked over the intercom.

"He's out for the day, sir." Glenn thought that this was going to be the end of it, but knew it was best to actually go to Jackson, before all hell broke loose because he couldn't find Raymond. How is it that he feels like a child caught in his parents' messy divorce or budding romance. It could swing from one thing to the next at any point.

"Junior, I didn't ask where Cook was, I told you to bring him to me, now!" Jackson was losing his cool again. Why is it that everybody knew where Raymond was, except him?

"eh... he did ask not to be disturbed." Glenn said uncertainly. Can an assistant really tell their boss they will be out for the day and not to be disturbed? Well, in Raymond's case he understood, things were more complicated here, than he'd first thought. 

"Very well," Jackson knew that arguing with Glenn was pointless. When Raymond had to do something, he didn't like interruptions, not even from Jackson. Granted that Jackson was oblivious to what he was up to most of the time, but whatever he was doing must be important, as he never left without preplanning Jackson's day to the minute.

That evening, Jackson didn't want to sleep alone. When Raymond wasn't near, his nightmares seem to be so much worse. He'd wake up in a cold sweat, then afterward, he was afraid to close his eyes again, in case he sees what he's spent so much of his time trying to forget. Only Raymond could provide the peace he needed. Even being away from him for the whole day, was uncomfortable, no, that wasn't the right word. He was so consumed by Raymond when he was around, that there was no space for anything else. He felt safe, knowing that Raymond has always been the only constant in his life.

He didn't want to use Raymond like that, though. Like something that can take away the pain. It wouldn't be fair on him, on both of them. Jackson stood in his living room, chewing his bottom lip while thinking. If he was really serious and if he wanted to make this work, he'd have to come clean with Raymond. On the other hand, it's in the past, why does Raymond even have to know about it? It's not like it's ever going to affect my future, he thought, before starting to pace again. 

"What?!" Raymond snapped, his eyes bleary from being woken from sleep. Rubbing his eyes, he looked up to see Jackson in front of him. "Jackson! What are you doing here?" he asked in surprise, having woken up a bit.

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