Reunion Part 36

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Raymond's back stiffened immediately, his heart skipping a beat. Fixing a smile across his face, he slowly turned around to face Jackson, who looked like he's just been stunned. His eyes wide, fixed to the same spot, not moving.

Jackson was almost to afraid to move. Was this real? Was Raymond really standing in front of him, or was this just another illusion that had been following him around?

"Cook, is that you?" he was still too shocked to comprehend, his voice croaky with emotion. Everything around him went quiet. Everybody disappeared, the room disappeared, it was just Raymond he could see.

"Jackson!" Raymond broadened his smile walking toward Jackson, holding his hand out. "It's really good to see you again!" When Jackson frowned and grabbed his hand, still looking confused, Raymond continued, "Look I really need to get going, but maybe we can talk business some other time?" He didn't wait for Jackson to respond and pulled his hand free with the same smile, while he greeted the people around him and moved off.

Jackson could only stand in cold shock, not sure what had just happened, but he'd just seen Raymond. It took him a moment to register what he said before he'd moved off. Running after him, Jackson looked up and down the passageway, turning toward the exit, he looked around frantically, but Raymond was gone. Pulling out his phone he dialed two, because Raymond's number will always be one.

"Junior, Cook is in this city! He was at the charity ball. Find him now, or so help me I will make sure that nobody will ever hire you!" he threatened Glenn. He needed results now.


Sitting in his office, Raymond thought back to that night. He should have won an Oscar for that performance. Seeing Jackson made his heart jump, made him realize that he missed him. He almost couldn't pull it off, were he not fueled by Jackson's mother's words. He did however notice how haggard he looked, as if he hasn't been sleeping or eating. His face gaunt. He really wanted to take Jackson in his arms and never let go, but wouldn't give in that easily.

"Raymond?" His assistant Jessica pushed open his door. "Mr. Dealer is here is to see you."

"Does he have an appointment?" Raymond raised his eyebrow.

"Eh-no." she frowns.

"And your question is?" Raymond calmly looked at her, watching her blush.

"Yes, I'm sorry Raymond." she turned and left.

The next morning, she came in with his schedule and he noticed that Jackson's name was on it for ten in the morning.

"Did I confirm this appointment, or..." he trailed off, frowning at her as she looked at him apologetically, shaking her head.

"Then why is it on my schedule?" he watched as she turned around, leaving the office.

The third day she rushed into Raymond's office. "Mr. Dealer is downstairs. He says he will not leave until he sees you." she frowned, never having been put in this situation.

"It's okay Jessica, he's not going to stop." he smiled knowing how bullheaded Jackson could be. "Send him in." he didn't give himself time to think, he just had to get this over with, without his heart getting in the way.

"Cook?" Jackson walked slowly into his office, coming to a halt in front of his desk.

"Hi Jackson, nice to see you again. Why don't you sit down." Raymond thought that if he could keep this game up, then he could fool Jackson into leaving soon.

"Cook, what are you doing here? Where have you been?" Jackson pinned him down with his eyes, as if to make sure he wasn't a mirage, his voice raspy.

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