Superman Part 19

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On his way to the office, Jackson didn't know what to expect. Tilly had called him in the evening to let him know that Raymond was okay and that she'll be staying with him. It frustrated him that he couldn't be the one to console Raymond, that he had to wait on the side lines, for his time to try and comfort him. Reminiscing, he smiled to himself thinking of when exactly he'd come to care so much for Raymond.

Was it an overnight thing? No. Was it to make him stay? In the beginning yes, but at the end of the day, no. To pinpoint a date and time would be impossible. Maybe he'd come to care for Raymond from that very first day of meeting him, maybe it was watching him struggle and overcome his challenges, that openend his eyes, or maybe it was the fact that Raymond meant the world to him, and he'd just forgotten why he'd hired Raymond to work next to him in the first place. He also realised that while Raymond knew almost everything about him, he also did everything for Jackson. Even console him, without asking questions. This needed to change, he thought. He needed to do some things for Raymond, also bear some of his burdens. 

When he stopped in front of Raymond's desk, he was in robot mode again. Refusing to meet Jackson's eyes directly, only speaking when asked a question. Jackson sighed, regular Raymond was great to be around, robot Raymond, not so much. He'd thought that Raymond would at least want to confide in him somewhat, but he realised that he's never discussed his personal life with Jackson before.

"Come on Cook, let's go and get this sorted out." he didn't wait for Raymond to respond, just walking off to his office, leaving the door open.

"Maybe you should come along Glenn," he needed to have someone with him, so Jackson would stop his pushing to try and help. It was a bad idea to take Jackson with them to see his father, but he was so caught up in the moment and having someone to lean on, that he was happy to have Jackson there. Unfortunately, he didn't think about what would happen afterward. Layla was more receptive toward Jackson, which almost knocked him over in surprise, but did he want to continue with whatever it is that he and Jackson were doing?

"Um... I think it's best you go in yourself." Glenn looked up at him with a genuine smile. Holding his thumbs up for Raymond to see, he said: "You can do it!" Raymond had to laugh at that. He's always made the gesture ever since he can remember. It was something that he and his mother had done all the time, and it was the one thing that would calm him enough to try and take on whatever mountain was before him. He did it unconsciously. It made him feel happy. He didn't realize that he'd done it so much that even Glenn had picked up on it. But then, the kid did have very sharp eyes.

"Thanks Glenn." he smiled back, moving toward Jackson's office, closing the door behind him.

Raymond stood in front of Jackson's desk, not looking him in the eyes directly, waiting for him to speak. After a while, Raymond raised his eyes uncertainly, since Jackson hadn't said a word since he entered the office. Getting up, Jackson came to stand in front of Raymond, drawing him in for a hug.

"Whatever you need, Cook, I'll be there and do it for you." Jackson whispered, pulling Raymond's head to his chest. "I'll be whatever you need." he kissed the top of Raymond's head. He just nodded against Jackson's chest, reaching his arms around Jackson and leaning into him, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

"I don't need you to do or be anything for me Jackson," he sighed. "Maybe you can just hold me for now." Jackson wasn't happy with Raymond's response, but he was happy that Raymond at was least leaning on him for a bit of support.

"Just don't shut me out." he lifted Raymond's head so that he could look into his eyes. "No more robot Cook, okay?" he smiled, leaning down to kiss Raymond gently on the mouth. Raymond gave him a weak smile, before laying his head against Jackson's chest, facing the door with his eyes closed. He pulled Jackson in tighter, so that there was no space between them. Both just holding each other quietly.

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